event jams will become a lot more common as we go along now, since the end game creates a lot more attacks, reinforces and building etc...
and they never happen at an appropriate time...
Try and time another level on the residence to coincide with the final attacks. If he destroys the MB and res again, the res will pop back to lvl 1 again. In which case, he'll have to come back to destroy it again before he can take it.
I have 100-160k of Wheat at any one time 20mins away from you! Could easy set you up with as much as you like..... especially as I'm eating 1.5k/hr at yours!
i am at -12k per hour. im upgrading my grannary but it's taking forever. it can currently hold 25k only. i cant stay up all night feeding it every 2 hours what do you think i can do?
Or we co-ordinate so that it's someone's job to send you 25k Wheat to arrive at 2 hour intervals? I'll keep you covered till 2am uk time, maybe find an American or somone further away to ship 25k to arrive at 4am, 6am etc?
Shift your own troops to one of the other villages.
Send the Cavalry home last thing tonight as they are the big eaters.
Ask if one of the US guys can act as sitter and shift wheat across every hour or so.
Or as Keebs says, pay yer £1.50 for 30 gold and complete those granary upgrades immediately.
Duchess had to upgrade to a 2nd granary for this same reason, she's now capable of holding 132K wheat at any one time. Its not so much of a strain then when you do have incoming attacks because you can field a much larger defence force.
Loyalty - 20%
MB - L10
Wall - L1
Resi - L4 building now, 15M to complete
300 Legionnaires
500 Praetorians
200 Imperians
50 Equites Imperatoris
11 Spearmen
and they never happen at an appropriate time...
I can also send wheat.
Loyalty - 21%
MB - L10
Wall - L1
Resi - L5 building now, 8m to completion
300 Legionnaires
500 Praetorians
200 Imperians
50 Equites Imperatoris
16 Spearmen
600 Equites Legati
There's 12k Wh incoming so used the marketplace to move some across to his other village A. Death
Can drip feed it back as and when
1st wave of re-enforcements due in 46m from TF1
2nd wave of re-enforcements due 50m from Q-Chronos
Loyalty @ 22%
Residence building to L6, 15m to completion.
Bad news is now 3x incoming attacks from 3 different villages, same player.
TbonZ and Q's troops will be there in time for them.
Loyalty is at 23%
340 leg, 146 praet, 300 Imp, 80 EI and 1 hero.. ~ 30 mins
Send the Cavalry home last thing tonight as they are the big eaters.
Ask if one of the US guys can act as sitter and shift wheat across every hour or so.
Or as Keebs says, pay yer £1.50 for 30 gold and complete those granary upgrades immediately.
Duchess had to upgrade to a 2nd granary for this same reason, she's now capable of holding 132K wheat at any one time. Its not so much of a strain then when you do have incoming attacks because you can field a much larger defence force.
Just remember your village HAS to survive till about 6:30AM GMT for your settlers to arrive at the outpost.