D-Link DGL-4500 and uTorrent

Static IP set. Ports forwarded correctly and uTorrent still shows me as not connectible. Anybody successfully set up uTorrent with any of the Gamerlounge series of routers or with similar type of firmware?
Scratch that. Looking through all your pics I'm not seeing where you have port forwarding rules setup. But I Do see that you have uPnP dissabled - enable that you should be good.
Put your modem in bridged mode (This will disable all router functionality on it), You will also have to know your vci/vpi settings your isp uses (Most American isp's are 0/33, And for canada 0/35 is popular). If you have your VCI/VPI settings wrong you wont be able to authenticate.
Now have your router take care of pppoe for you and forward portson the router.
All modem/router combos do a really lousy job at the router part.
If you have a speedtouch 516 its a very good modem that handles line noise very well its also adsl2 capable.
What model is your modem, If its a 516 I can telnet to mine and see if I can figure out how to put it in bridged mode from the command line.
edit: Mines a ST-516 Version 6
If you want to de cripple the modem you could flash it with the latest firmware from the manufacturer.
I would advise against this if you are just renting the modem or if it violates the terms of service for your isp.
edit: Bridged mode on that would probably be painful, You might be best just to replace it.
If your renting it from the isp you can probably get a discount on your montly bill if you use your own. ($6 less a month with my isp)
I want to leave flashing as a last resort since I doubt the ISP is gonna help me set it up afterwards. They probably wouldn't know a damn thing if I ask them about the CLI commands.
Did you find any useful commands?