SCO CEO: "Linux is a copy of Unix. No Difference"

ArsTechnica's Wayne Richardson was in the courtroom yesterday to witness SCO's CEO Darl McBride spouting off sheer technical brilliance: When questioned about the assertion that SCO UNIX code was in Linux, Ars' Richardson was stupefied at the responses.
[blockquote]McBride attempted to reinforce his argument with analogy. "When you go to the bookstore and look in the UNIX section, there's books on 'How to Program UNIX' but when you go to the Linux section and look for 'How to Program Linux' you're not gonna find it, because it doesn't exist." Then came the real humdinger, and my jaw dropped when I heard the following come out of his mouth: "Linux is a copy of UNIX, there is no difference [between them]."[/blockquote]
Icrontic's official stance on the preceding information is as follows:
[blockquote]McBride attempted to reinforce his argument with analogy. "When you go to the bookstore and look in the UNIX section, there's books on 'How to Program UNIX' but when you go to the Linux section and look for 'How to Program Linux' you're not gonna find it, because it doesn't exist." Then came the real humdinger, and my jaw dropped when I heard the following come out of his mouth: "Linux is a copy of UNIX, there is no difference [between them]."[/blockquote]
Icrontic's official stance on the preceding information is as follows:
Oh wait's LInux. Well there you go!
It's just a flesh wound!