Help...need some computer security advice/information
I'm a total illiterate when it comes to the inner workings of computers and computer security. A few years ago, I found out that my husband had set up our home computer with some program that monitered all key strokes on our system. He was able to view all emails on my personal Yahoo account and monitor all the websites that I had been viewing. That made me feel very violated. Anyway, a few months ago, I ended up getting my own personal laptop (as he had had his own personal one for a while). Anyway, our high speed provider allows to have up to 4 computers per household using the same modem. Both of our computers are set up with wireless internet acces through the same provider in the same household. I'm just wondering whether there is anything at all out there that would allow my husband to access my personal laptop since we are technically on the same network? He does not have the password to start up my computer, is there anyway around that for him when I'm not around? Everytime I log on, I feel as though I'm being "watched". It's a creepy feeling.
Turns out she was, and I was right.
We're divorced now.