hacking the google toolbar
Santa Barbara, California!
Okay, there are these two computers running in my new lab and they both have the google toolbar installed. I don't want to mess with the toolbar, but what would be great is if I could find a way to see if they are folding for google and if so I want to change the user name & team name so that they will fold for us.
Does anyone know what I need to do to accomplish this?
Does anyone know what I need to do to accomplish this?
When you download the Google toolbar, isn't there an option to download one that does not include the folding client?
I don't know if these toolbars are folding or not because they were both on the comps before i came here
Check task manager to see if it is running FAH.
Here is what I do step by step..
First...I get the toolbar installed (you can skip this since you have already done it)
The toolbar by default doesn't come with Google Compute...so you may have to install that. Just do a search for 'google compute' on google and the first thing that comes up should be what you want. Get that installed.
Now enable the toolbar in IE and turn off the computing part of the toolbar. I.E. Click on the helix that's on the toolbar and select "stop computing" or something similar to that.
Now open up the registry and do a search for 'google'. In XP what comes up should be a folder in HKEY_USERS\a bunch of fairly random letters and numbers\Software\Google. Now, there is a sub-directory of Google called DcClient, click on that and you should see in the right pane of the registry a bunch of keys and values.
Now that you're in \google\DcClient, you need to look for 2 keys. One is called "dc-username" and the other is called "TeamNum". Double click on "dc-username" and change the value to your F@H username, then hit OK. Then double click on "TeamNum" and change it to 93 and then click ok. Now you're done with the registry.
Now, go back to IE and re-enable google compute...and you're DONE!:D
Unfortunatly I am heading home now, but first thing monday I will see what I can do with those computers and google toolbar. Hopefully we will have two more processors for team 93 next week!
I use that at home to do stuff like that...but it's no good having to install something like that on a Circuit City machine.;)