Visual Map of People
I Plotted out our locations in excel, so that we can see where everyone is visually. I'm planning on fixing it up, but here is the current chart:
Here is a close up of the crowded area:
Here is a close up of the crowded area:
Map tool
Select ""
Enter your game name
Select 5 for zoom (works best I find)
Sectors: tick Top Left for North West
Enter {IC} in the Blue Alliances field.
Dont worry about anything else
When the map is displayed you can run the mouse over each field to give you the details and {IC} will be the blue ones.
well, at least making the map entertained me for a while.
btw - I always acronymize everybody's name.
(another shameless bump cos it'd fallen off the 1st page!)
Im sure I gave you it, but, just in case:
SillyViking Village ( -67 / 33)
NuttyNorsk Village (-152 / 169) Plan to expand this 7 x 7 and take some (most?) of the oases there, but nobody else is close enough that I need to "claim" them here
Biddulph -11/22
Mow Cop -159/183
Heimgaff (-67|21)
Urdgaff (-211|167)
the one that Q made... here