Kwitko wrote: I should be there.
Gate28 wrote: O.O Dog looks so...civilized without his hair and constant 5 o'clock shadow i see in every other pic
j wrote: Wonder what he's dreaming about? hmmm
primesuspect wrote:
shwaip wrote:
me wrote: This driver should be fantasic, despite its dents. It's make of recycled fighter jets from Korea.
There is still time!
Take that Back, Gate me civilized
You've graduated into the ranks of BEST PHOTOCHOP EVAR..
where did you put the body? under the tent?
I dont beleive i know who keebs is about to stab
CB, Ryder, Q...they won the scramble...
oh, you handsome devil, you.
TT forgot his clubs. fortunately, the country club had a wide array of brand new nike demos.
He picked the ones that were made of metal.
ball washin'
Quoted on 15:
Also, I picked up the set with no 9-iron, but 2 6-irons. You just can't buy that kind of equipment anywhere!
Savory soup is not savory.