Blizzard announces Diablo III

Tiny Flash of Diablo 3
w00t can't wait!!!
I would check for up to date news.

Tiny Flash of Diablo 3
w00t can't wait!!!
I would check for up to date news.
Hellgate was not made by Blizzard and had nothing to do with the Diablo franchise, except that people compared the two, and tried to tout it as the spiritual successor to Diablo.... Which it certainly was not.
Edit: found them:
Today Blizzard let loose a fury of Diablo III information, in the form of a teaser splash page, Diablo III job opportunities, and an official D3 website for the EU. The EU website hints at a new character class, the Witch Doctor, and there are lots of screenshots and gameplay videos to be found.
Shwaip, it was nice knowing you.
The team that made Diablo quit Blizzard to make Hellgate: London.
I hear ya! and the Diablo 3 expansion pack, Immortal Throne
Srs, can't wait. I played D2 on battle net for years.
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang
looks very cool!!
Between TF2 and D3 when it comes out, I'm going to be ruined.
I recall countless nights of playing D2 past 4 am on
My social life is bust. I'll loose my job, I'll never meet my life aspirations. It's all over.
Screw Starcraft 2. This is the Blizzard game I've been wanting for years.
As many time as it takes to.......
..... drop the potential profit margin for Diablo IV to unacceptable levels!!
I can just hear it:
Helle Diablo, this is your agent...
..sorry Mack, they've pulled the plug on Part IV...
..I know, I know, you have kids to feed, you are the King of Hell, yada yada..
It's not you, its them, who loves you Baby?!!
Raid through this blog for some goodies.
Diablo 3!!
do want d3.