Finally got a PS3

TrumandrummerTrumandrummer Taylor Michigan Icrontian
edited July 2008 in Gaming
Ok so I got quit my job at CVS and got a much better job... And finally went out and bought a PS3. Im very impatient and I missed the sale for the MGS4 80gb PS3, and instead of waiting 2 weeks for the 80 to come back out, I bought a 40gb. Quickly filled that up so I bought a Western Digital 320gb drive for my PS3. Ive been stuck on ps2 and wii for so long that I cant get off of this thing.

Anyways, I know that a lot of people on here have PS3's and I was wondering if I could get your names, to add to my buddies. And maybe We could hook up an online game one day...... here are the games I currently have....

1. Metal Gear Solid 4
2. Motorstorm
3. Fight Night
4. Resistance: Fall of man
6. Uncharted
7. Rainbow Six Vegas 2
8. Grid
9. Orange Box


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