Nintendo's Wiittle problem
For the longest time, I was thinking that it was just me. But more recently, I'm starting to realize that I'm not the only one.
I think Nintendo's got a real identity crisis on their hands, and I'm afraid this could quite literally be the last straw in the bid to consider Nintendo a big-time player in the gaming industry.
Not quite a year ago a member of a gaming forum posted simply, "The Wii is fail, man." They went on to complain about the system and it's lack of solid titles. I read that and kind of reeled back. The Wii is not fail! It's innovative, it's got Mario Galaxy and Smash soon, and it's affordable! And it's selling units!
Well, about a year later, I just about agree with that post 100%.
I haven't turned on my Wii in months. I'm a HUGE Smash bros addict, and anticipated Brawl more than almost any game since Half-Life 2. However, even it has lost it's luster with me. I blame not having the frends/family near by to play together with like I did when Melee came out (*sigh, growing up). But Smash is an excellent game. Unfortunately, nothing else on the system can hold my interest right now.
Granted I am primarily a PC Gamer. That must be said up front. But Right now I'm gaming exclusively PC because it's got games that I love. Wii has failed to hold my attention.
I was watching Nintendo's E3 press conference and it was actually almost embarrassing. It was if they were pointing at the hardcore crowd and laughing at them, heralding their casual games and mass demographic spread as the future of gaming. Wiimusic just topped the cake for me. That was what they had to show off? A game that lets you 'play' instruments based on body movements (read: simply controller waggling) and not requiring any true input from the user? good lord, what has Nintendo done to themselves?
Weezer's mention of his own disappointment towards Nintendo on the <a href="">post E3 topic</a> finally set me off. I'm not the only one that feels completely let down by the company.
In the past when I've defended the Wii I always fell back to their first party games in the pipeline. Smash, Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart, Metroid. But wait a second, all of those titles are sequels/follow ups to old franchises. Nintendo has yet to firmly establish any new franchises. The typical rounds are getting old, it's time to move on.
And now that those titles are out (and all arguably good games), what's left? Animal crossing Wii looks fun, but let's be honest. What else is there? I was hoping E3 would give us big things to look forward to.
And the future lineup looks absolutely bleak.
And on top of that, the games we have been promised are all more of the same mini-game Wiimote wagglin' garbage. A new Raving Rabbids game? Wii sports on the beach? Seriously? More titles we can enjoy for about 20 minutes and then be bored with it because we've seen everything?
Reggie was quick to point out that Wii had sold the most systems and enjoyed the biggest library of games (or perhaps it was fastest growing library). That's a completely moot point when the majority of those games are shovelware. Everyone's been quick to cash in on the 'for casuals mini-game fest' titles. I look at the library of Wii games and it almost disgusts me how much garbage exists there.
The 3rd parties certainly aren't helping. Mini-games aside, all they do is rehash old gameplay, or create decent games with terribly tacked on motion controls. Seriously, just put some time into the controls and it turns out great. The Godfather is an excellent example. But so many games put in motion simply because they feel the need to. It's a quick cash-in, and it produces games that suck.
There's just not much for the serious gamer crowd. That's why I haven't turned the system on in months. Wii's online abilities are pathetic, their obssession with privacy and online protection is almost insulting. It's taken them almost 2 years to implement voice chat. The games are constantly pointed at the casual crowd. And with Nintendo's conference at E3, can you blame the devs for going this way? Nintendo is trying their hardest to make their system the laughing stock of the gaming industry. They've been quite successful with this.
Maybe Nintendo should just fold and stick to creating first party games, much like Sega did years back. Yes, they're selling systems - lots of systems. But for every grandparent or 6 year old that's getting the system, there's many more serious gamers that are letting their little motion controlled white boxes collect dust. I fear that if Nintendo doesn't shape up their objective with this system, gamers will be quick to abandon them.
I think Nintendo's got a real identity crisis on their hands, and I'm afraid this could quite literally be the last straw in the bid to consider Nintendo a big-time player in the gaming industry.
Not quite a year ago a member of a gaming forum posted simply, "The Wii is fail, man." They went on to complain about the system and it's lack of solid titles. I read that and kind of reeled back. The Wii is not fail! It's innovative, it's got Mario Galaxy and Smash soon, and it's affordable! And it's selling units!
Well, about a year later, I just about agree with that post 100%.
I haven't turned on my Wii in months. I'm a HUGE Smash bros addict, and anticipated Brawl more than almost any game since Half-Life 2. However, even it has lost it's luster with me. I blame not having the frends/family near by to play together with like I did when Melee came out (*sigh, growing up). But Smash is an excellent game. Unfortunately, nothing else on the system can hold my interest right now.
Granted I am primarily a PC Gamer. That must be said up front. But Right now I'm gaming exclusively PC because it's got games that I love. Wii has failed to hold my attention.
I was watching Nintendo's E3 press conference and it was actually almost embarrassing. It was if they were pointing at the hardcore crowd and laughing at them, heralding their casual games and mass demographic spread as the future of gaming. Wiimusic just topped the cake for me. That was what they had to show off? A game that lets you 'play' instruments based on body movements (read: simply controller waggling) and not requiring any true input from the user? good lord, what has Nintendo done to themselves?
Weezer's mention of his own disappointment towards Nintendo on the <a href="">post E3 topic</a> finally set me off. I'm not the only one that feels completely let down by the company.
In the past when I've defended the Wii I always fell back to their first party games in the pipeline. Smash, Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Mario Kart, Metroid. But wait a second, all of those titles are sequels/follow ups to old franchises. Nintendo has yet to firmly establish any new franchises. The typical rounds are getting old, it's time to move on.
And now that those titles are out (and all arguably good games), what's left? Animal crossing Wii looks fun, but let's be honest. What else is there? I was hoping E3 would give us big things to look forward to.
And the future lineup looks absolutely bleak.
And on top of that, the games we have been promised are all more of the same mini-game Wiimote wagglin' garbage. A new Raving Rabbids game? Wii sports on the beach? Seriously? More titles we can enjoy for about 20 minutes and then be bored with it because we've seen everything?
Reggie was quick to point out that Wii had sold the most systems and enjoyed the biggest library of games (or perhaps it was fastest growing library). That's a completely moot point when the majority of those games are shovelware. Everyone's been quick to cash in on the 'for casuals mini-game fest' titles. I look at the library of Wii games and it almost disgusts me how much garbage exists there.
The 3rd parties certainly aren't helping. Mini-games aside, all they do is rehash old gameplay, or create decent games with terribly tacked on motion controls. Seriously, just put some time into the controls and it turns out great. The Godfather is an excellent example. But so many games put in motion simply because they feel the need to. It's a quick cash-in, and it produces games that suck.
There's just not much for the serious gamer crowd. That's why I haven't turned the system on in months. Wii's online abilities are pathetic, their obssession with privacy and online protection is almost insulting. It's taken them almost 2 years to implement voice chat. The games are constantly pointed at the casual crowd. And with Nintendo's conference at E3, can you blame the devs for going this way? Nintendo is trying their hardest to make their system the laughing stock of the gaming industry. They've been quite successful with this.
Maybe Nintendo should just fold and stick to creating first party games, much like Sega did years back. Yes, they're selling systems - lots of systems. But for every grandparent or 6 year old that's getting the system, there's many more serious gamers that are letting their little motion controlled white boxes collect dust. I fear that if Nintendo doesn't shape up their objective with this system, gamers will be quick to abandon them.
This is an industry that continually pumps out the same old **** to make a quick buck. No single platform can escape the "same old same old" that comes out for it. I think what makes it stand out on the Wii is the fact that the Wii is different in how you're supposed to use it.
Sure motion controls are going to get gimmicky when the same games are released year after year. No more so, IMO, than pushing X down hard for a bullet pass or tapping X for a lob.
The serious gamer was never Nintendo's target market. A lot of people seem to forget this. Their intended audience was women, both old and young, who never seriously played videogames before. Were they successful in that mission? I'm not sure, but from a personal standpoint within my own family: yes. My sister went out and bought a DS - my mom joins in on that fun, as well.
75% of the Wii's collection are these games based on minigames. They suck.
I agree with Nights on the fact that Nintendo is not targeting serious gamers. My aunt bought a Wii and a DS and all she plays are these dumb minigames. I've played a few of them like Carnival Games and Paradise Island or something like that. My reaction: "Are you serious?" These games are definitely not made for the fans of Zelda and Mario.
Enough of these crap games!
It doesn't help that Nintendo puts out all these party games, but it also doesn't help that, for instance, Epic has said they'll never code for Wii. It doesn't help that EA and Ubi put out MISERABLE ports (Cruis'n Wii? I haven't seen jaggies like that since I went to the Andes). It doesn't help that the whole thing is so viruslike - elevated demand, diminished supply, and everybody convincing 4 friends to get one. And then a month later, nobody's still using them. That's been my experience, anyway.
To me, it's just that much more money I can save, but for true Nintendo fans like you guys seem to be, I can see how disheartening it'd be. I don't see much chance of it turning around soon, though, unless they've kept amazing games under wraps for the last year and a half.
//edit: Project H.A.M.M.E.R was the name.
ugh. reminds me of having to type S.T.A.L.K.E.R. enough with the periods, plzthx.
The hardware is more then capable of producing good visuals. I'm not saying it can compete with the raw power of the 360 or PS3. But graphics only go so far. It can push as much volume out content wise as the xbox and even then most games don't take advantage of it.
Rock Band for the Wii for example. Baring the limits of online play it could easily have done everything the 360 and PS3 versions do, with reduced visuals. Instead it gets a PS2 port. Furthermore of any system they easily could have used the GH3 guitars with it, but they put up a lame excuse as to how they weren't allowed to - ridiculous.
But there is hope. There are a huge number of Wii's in circulation just crying out for hardcore games and developers aren't stupid. There are also some hardcore games in the works. There is a new uber violent 'sin city' like style game coming out a new Zelda for the Wii - which sure it's a sequel but it's still a fantastic franchise for the hardcore gamer, if they go that route and don't deliver us a fluf Zelda full of mini-games. There are more party/scrapper games like Castlevania Judgment on the way which could be great. I'm very dissapointed we Resident evil 5 isn't coming out on the Wii as Res 4 wii edition was hands down the best of the series of any console. Fatal Frame is due and I have hopes for that as the past 2 games have been fantastic. Not to mention Force Unleashed and (forget the name) but the other Jedi game in the works. The wii is also getting some other ports like Dead Rising, which is good news and skate, that can use the wiifit adapter for what could truly be an amazing skate board simulation.
The new Wiimotion adapter may also help developers put better use of the controls for action games with it's 1:1 support (yes we should all bitch that it wasn't like that originally).
The wii is an interesting toy. It's got a massive install base that developers can take a hold of if they put it to use. It's got some of the best periferils on any console and it is innovative. The unit is also very friendly with the casual gamers, which they currently seem to pander to. However you make some graphical sacrifices, which I think most people can agree on don't make the game and developers could put some fantastic hardcore games on the system.
There is so much potential. Something simple like an FPS based on your character being on a surf/rocket board of some sorts. You use the wiifit to controll your movements use the wii mote for point and click aiming and the analog for misc. There is fantastic potential there if they tap it.
I still love my Wii, but can't argue against those that say it has failed in some aspects when considering the hardcore crowd. But the machine is definitely not a fail.
I also find it laughable that MS and Sony say they aren't competing with the Wii. What they are or aren't doing is irrelivent. The fact is people choose to buy a Wii over a 360 or PS3 - they lose a console sale and game sales - they are competing against the Wii in the retail market. They may not be trying to compete in some sort of utopean way, but they are competing.
Shine on Wii you crazy diamond. Shine on!
I do agree that the large share of the 3rd party developers are doing sloppy jobs of making games. This is not acceptable.
Where you say that Nintendo should take the path of Sega is were I disagree most!! What about the DS? Look at how innovative it is. Look at how innovative the Wii is. How can you just crawl away into the corner after birthing such great devices? They have huge sales both!! It just wouldn't make sense to fold when they are so successful. I'd rather see Nintendo keep making hardware rather than just make software, because they are the most innovative.
They are definitely one of the best developers because they both make quality hardware and software, and I hope you agree that they do. And if so, tell me again why you think they should give up. Because of 3rd party control messups? Because there's not enough shooters? Please tell me what you would like to see, I'm seriously curious, I'm not trying to swat your opinion down that they don't provide for the serious gamers. Just want to know.
Obviously you can't see the Wii is meant to be an appeal for everyone, and not just the serious gamer. The Wii is a portal for someone who isn't experienced with handling games. Can you imagine being at the age 70 and never touched a game console? Now, would you rather be introduced to gaming by being handed over a 360 controller and shoot down some Nazis? Or would you rather have the Wiimote handed to you and then have the opportunity to relive the glory days when you could bowl via Wii Sports? Perhaps you aren't complaining over Nintendo's desire to appeal to everyone. But you need to understand the hardcore gaming isn't their first priority, this is what I'm trying to say.
After all this, I must still say that I was most satisfied with Microsoft at E3 for the sole purpose that they excited me most.
The third parties do have a lot of the blame on their hands. They don't even try. The third party support is abysmal on the Wii. I typically don't even bother with most of them. But their failure isn't so much that the controls are gimicky, but rather they're tacked on. It's as if each dev feels the need to utilize every bit of motion, instead of only using it when it strengthens the gameplay. Super Paper Mario - brilliant game, and hardly uses any motion. More devs should follow that example. only use motion when it adds.
And yes, Nintendo never said it was a console for the hardcore only. But regardless if Nintendo wanted it that way or not, they've got legions of fans that have been there since the beginning. When you have franchises like Mario and Zelda that have transcended literal generations, you establish a strong fan base. And there is a lot of potential with the Wii in solid titles - for hardcore and casual alike. Mario Galaxy was brilliant. But yet Nintendo just ignores what little chance they ever had with the hardcore crowd.
I mean, can you honestly take Nintendo seriously as a big time game hardware/software dev when at the biggest conference of the year they talk about more sequels and simplified music/casual sports games? That's it? It's almost insulting. Sway back and forth to 'play' music. This was their big headline. Thats terrible. They should be trying harder. The fans that grew up playing games with Nintendo can only stand and stare, mouth agape.
Think of it this way - let's suppose that Nintendo is Wendy's (the resteraunt). For decades, Wendy's has been serving us delicious double and triple burgers. All of a sudden, they announce a new product that's supposed to revolutionize the burger and do something completely different and unique. Then you get that new product, and it's simply a bowl of carrots. Not a terrible food item, but we're talking about an established franchise with legions of fans. All of a sudden, those fans have no clue what to do. And every time we think it's going to get better, that add another piece of garnish to the carrot plate and nothing more.
That's the way I, along with others, look at it. Nintendo is losing their core crowd by catering almost exclusively to the simpler crowd that they wanted so desperately to claim. They got that crowd, but at what price?
This doesn't mean I haven't loved Wii sports or had fun with the system... it's just that now I'm yearning for more, and that more doesn't exist.
PurplezArctic, yes the DS and Wii are innovative (and I love my DS), but innovation means nothing if you don't have solid software to back it up! I didn't buy my DS because the touch screen was cool, I bought it because the catalogue of games is incredible. The Wii can be as innovative and new as it wants, but if the best they can offer me is a 'move back and forth to play music' game, then who cares how intuitive and innovative it is?
See, Nintendo has brilliant first party games. And their hardware is unique and reliable. But they've got to figure this stuff out. There is a place for casual gaming, fine. But when I step back and look at the Wii's catalogue and see almost nothing but mini-game fests and simple casual toys, then I see a very serious identity problem with Nitnedo. If they keep up this high level of disappointment with their core fanbase, they won't be selling massive units like this for long. But Nintendo just can't figure it out. They keep pushing for these simple casual games that people play for a few days then let em sit and gather dust.
I'm not looking for FPS, or gore fests, or anything else that runs defacto standard with the other platforms. I just simply want more serious games. I don't want over simplified games that focus on 'waggle the Wiimote again!' play mechanics. Put the controls to good use, and start building new franchises that are interesting and challenging.
This isn't all because of the failure of 3rd party. It's the failure of Nintendo to address a massive crowd that they have within their ranks.
I know they're not prioritizing hardcore gaming... but they're almost avoiding it alltogether. This is the real problem.
When I, as a consumer and fan of Nintendo, is considering selling my Wii because it's got nothing for me, then Nintendo has an issue.
You make a good point here. As you do in many areas of that post. For that I'm not in complete opposition with you, and stand beside you on many of these standpoints.
Until then though I still play my Wii with the handful of sustainable more hardcore games that I have.
Incidentally, I played a little of tennis and baseball. It had so absolutely nothing to do with reality that I really didn't have much fun. It won't surprise if me I never play it again. I've got nothing against it mind you, I just have no desire to go play. Now, maybe with a select couple of N64 games...
Galaxy, Brawl, and Kart would be enough for me.
Leo, try out bowling.
You'll be lucky to sell them for retail value.
^this. eBay right now has 5701 consoles listed for sale and all are going way under retail. One auction has two wiimotes, a bunch of games and the console and it ends in 2 hours at only $150. If you think you're going to sell them over retail you're going to be out of luck.
I also have 10 Guitar Hero World Tour Band Kits, 5 for Wii and 5 for Xbox 360.
They are advertised locally too.