Friend Requests?
What in the heck are these for? I have one inbound? I don't mind answering any tech questions as always but... What is this "friend" thing for and why should I add a stranger I don't know as a "friend" here? I know a ton of you guys personaly as I was big on this site a few years back but... this is not even someone I know at all??
I mean if there are females and pornography involved I'm in but other then that ??? Whats the purpose of this new friend deal? I just don't see a reason for it so far.
My 2 cents?
vB wants to get in on the Social Networking craze (ala MyS, FB, etc) so.. they put the functionality into their software.
You can even create groups to join, so you can make more friends.. wait
And no one had to invite me and I didnt have to accept friend requests. We sorta defaulted to all being friends? Thats what this place was all about.
If there is no advantage really... I mean isnt this like giving your ID bracelot out to girls in grade school when you were not old enough to date or something? I mean whats the point really?
Leo your right.... I guess I just don't "get it".
It just seems redundant, that's all.
I don't care if he does read it? I didnt say anything bad about him or anyone else?? I simply asked WHY this function exists as I don't see any advantage gained in the whole process. It works on myspace in a way as kids can make their page private by only allowing "friends". I "get" that! I see the purpose. I'm a friend for my daughters page but her mother isn't. LOL
But so far no one has coughed up any very useful reason for this function to exist here really.....
I have no need for that personally, and it doesn't seem like you do either. I always accept friend requests, since thee is no reason not to, but I don't think I've ever sent any.
But I think kids have always approached how this software is used a lot differently then guys like Leo, Missleman and I would for example.
I didnt mean ANYTHING bad with this post either! I just wanted to know what the heck its purpose was.
I never look to see who is online either... LOL When I was a supermod you might look for a couple troublemakers... (wink) or just see the count of how many members and guests were online but... thats it.
you go to hell
I dont get the Thai referance here but in general lets just say I'm in for Thai !
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO trying to not make a funny remark or two right now. So many come to mind quickly about "Thai Stalks" Or was it Thai Sticks? (wink)
You can tell I am way older then most... (rolls eyes...)
Hey prime ! (wink) ya know I love ya man. But only in a "manly", "non Thai" sort or way right? (grin)
You guys should of never started this! LOL
//EDIT: I just remembered that a friend of mine once asked how many buddies I had in my list because he had (i.e. over 300).. -- WHY DO PEOPLE CARE HOW MANY PEOPLE THEY HAVE ADDED?
Just think, we could play 'Drilling for Vegemite' together
Where am I?
Oh yes, Icrontic.
Well guys I'm still alive and I just got e-mailed your survey which I have completed, you'll be pleased to know
Good to see all you reprobates are still active