Clutch's weight gaining diet
I'm on the prowl to increase my weight over the next month or so. I'm sticking around 134 right now. I'm going to start back on drinking one gallon of milk a day for about two weeks. About two months ago I put on about 4-5 lbs doing this for about a week or so. I started today with my first full gallon, I got about 4 glasses left and it's 7:38 PM right now. I will continue to eat my regular meals and all, but putting down the gallon along the day.
You're going to need to be eating more lean macronutrients like whole wheats and proteins. Take a look at this and this and this to get a good idea. You should be eating in excess of BODYWEIGHT*18 per day in calories.
Why would you do that? It's an awful idea.
I used to do that as a kid. How I don't know.
Other studies have shown that drinking to much milk can have long term effects from the increased calcium like creating bone spurs. Not to mention you are increasing the amount of build up of the hormones farmers are using on cow's to increase milk yield in your body. There are no proven studies yet - but the fact remains.
So what it means if you are trying to build muscle mass then drink some milk after an intense work out. A gallon of milk isn't doing you any real benefit.
One-Gallon Challenge always was fun back in HS...
ur doin it rong. What the hell do they teach you in sunny England?