Aaaand I just realized we need to figure out logistics of finished products being returned to the owners. Do we have local volunteers to print the stuff? we'll need someone to supply consumables (paper and ink), we'll need some kind of standard for prints, and of course we'll need shipping.
I was hoping to avoid monetary involvement, but that's probably gonna be impossible.
Perhaps the finished product (image file) could be uploaded to a printing facility of the picture owner's choice? Walmart and Walgreens offer this type of service as I'm sure others do as well. Then the picture owner (or whomever wanted it retouched) can pay for the print and framing if they so choose. Just a thought...
I'll help out where and when I can. I'm a dab hand with the clone tool, and my father has a small graphics/printing business here in Cincy from which I can utilize some of the resources.
for all the file/revision history couldn't you just use basecamp or any of the other free opensource project collaboration apps?
I second this. There are many different types of opensource projects already available to do all the versioning and checkout stuff we're looking for. We just need to implement one of them.
Okay. In this picture is my maternal great-grandmother, four of my brothers and me (center). Circa 1964. I believe the spots on my great-grandmother's face belong there with the exception of the one on her forehead. Two of my brothers in this picture are now deceased (front row left and back row right). I don't know if this picture can be salvaged or not and I don't know where the original is today -- I can try to see who has it if a higher resolution scan is necessary.
If anyone wants to take a shot at retouching it, have at it. It can be used in a public album showcasing the volunteer team's abilities if so desired.
Count me in for... something. I don't even own Photoshop because I can't afford it, so I'm out of the clone stamp business. But I'm always willing to pitch in some volunteer time.
Hi, I came upon your site when I searched for 'photo retouch volunteers'. I am interested in volunteering as a photo retoucher. I have years of experience in photo shop and I like your concept of helping elderly people.
I second this. There are many different types of opensource projects already available to do all the versioning and checkout stuff we're looking for. We just need to implement one of them.
I like the sound of that one.
Photo Restoration Project.
If anyone wants to take a shot at retouching it, have at it. It can be used in a public album showcasing the volunteer team's abilities if so desired.