Rate a member.
I had mentioned this in a thread I had started and Simguy had said that it requires VB3. Anyways, I was wondering if there's any chance we could have some type of rate a member type system. Another forum I belong to has it and I think it's a great way to 'reward' members for helping you out and what not. Any thoughts on this? I think it would work a lot better at a place like this simply because it seems to be a pretty laid back forum. Just a thought
Hehe sorry forgot to mention you in my original post. Do you think this is a good or band thing? I could see it go both ways.
If anyone else has thoughts too, feel free to say 'em here. I don't really want voting on it or anything - just wondering if people see any other positives or negatives about it they want to bring up.
When we set up SM, we did away with alot of the "traditional" features.. visible post count, minimum posts to have an avatar & custom title, x posts to have access to blah forum, ignoring members requests, taking feedback.. that sort of thing.
The reason was because we want to encourage members to post when they want, rather than for the sake of posting to get x feature. Member rating sits a bit uneasy with me because offence can be taken when a member starts getting significant negative "karma" or "respect". None of us are perfect and each of us is different in our own way. Some members dont have a mass of knowledge, may post the wrong solution to a members problem.. and get bad karma/flamed for it. Lack of experience rather being a poor member.
I hope that makes sense
I will discuss it with prime and MediaMan at length and come back with a defacto response
The fact that I haven't come across any "flaming" here just enforces my belief that most everyone would get positive ratings. Once again, whatever you guys feel is best is fine with me. I'm very happy with S-M as is, nice job.
Karma doesn't prevent an individual from getting their custom avatar, title, access to special forums, etc the way that post count can. Karma is simply a re-assurance to a user asking a question that the advice being given from a member who that user does not know can be taken seriously and reliably.
Kinda like HeatWare for forum technical support
Would Karma get abused? I've got faith that it wouldn't be abused as the level of maturity here @ SM is nice and high.
Could Karma hurt members feelings? Possibly, as there could be someone who may get a negative karma rating for suggesting something that destroy's the questioning users' PC or a certain component. However, in that case, I'd say that they deserve a negative karma rating
Shorty, is there a way you can modify the Karma system to only utilize Postive Karma?
Thanks, dak!
DSLReports uses two things called the Much Valued Member and Accepted Answer. The MVM is someone who consistently offers clear, helpful advice to problems. The AA is marked as an answer that gets right to the point and is easily found when doing a search through the thread.
more on MVM: http://www.broadbandreports.com/faq/6584
more on AA: http://www.broadbandreports.com/faq/8043
I don't know how easy the AA would be to implement, but perhaps the MVM isn't that difficult. I think it would be something more that's decided upon by the staff rather than the general member public.
"Hey, SimGuy always gives great advice"
"Yessir, let's make him a MVM so that people know he's a guy to turn to for answers."
"Okay, it's done. What about Mr. Kwitko?"
"Nah, he's more of a wiseass New Yorker than a helpful member."
The problem is basically that you end up gaining Karma because of how nice or funny you are, not how useful or talented you are, so you end up getting it for all the wrong reasons.
I don't see how getting positive Karma for adding to the community of a forum is a bad thing. If someone makes me crack up over something they typed, by all means they deserve something.
If this was a joke site or social site alone, yes, but karma will not be given out mainly on the basis of technical ability or skill....
By reading the post i've gotten a pretty good idea on who knows what and heard several rumours of members that sometimes even damages computers (cooling mod )in the quest to help others or because he can.
And I for one think you got it exactly right. I think a lot of the credit for the community at S-M is down to the fact that everybody is equal. We don't need post counts or ratings, It isn't a competition. We don't need to see it up on the screen who's 'the best'. Everybody here is valued.
Well that's what I think anyway.:p
Ghoosdum brings up a good point. Good advice can come from anyone, even from a new member that hasn't been here long enough to accumulate Karma Points.
We talked about it, mulled it over, thought it about some more, had a few beers to help the thought process, ordered pizza and took a trip to Hawaii to use the beach as a positive atmosphere..
While it might be suitable for forums that adhere to member status of "junior, senior" blah... where post counts are needed to prove worth, gain avatars and signatures.. or awards are placed on those who are "fortunate" to be classed as "the very best"...
... it's not what short-media is about and never has been
We are all the same level here == lurkers, members, staff and owners
We would like to keep it the way it is now
I definetly agree fully with Shorty. I'd hate to see short-media get, for lack of better words, "clicky".