now i got a major video problem
Dallas TX Member
:banghead: LOL! Now my DVI output video signal is somehow messed up. I was using AOL instant messenger when my main monitor started to flicker and dim. I did all the usual troubleshooting stuff like rebooting, taking the card out and reinserting it, swapping monitors, driver reinstall, the works. The picture is slowly getting worse on it. Is this a known problem? Or is my card frying? And if I can’t straighten it out, how or can I get an RMA?
Now Tony, did we forget about posting ALL the details when your asking for help with troubleshooting?
Also, do you have another comp to test the card in?
A digital flat panel can be raced by fast a refresh rate, then it will never FULLY charge each pixel, so can a regular monitor, but a regular monitor should show more junk and flickers and not dimmness at first (dim monitor that has dimmer on higher res and refresh rates and color depth is typically a dying power supply in part if it is not digital). How much time for it to go dim??? Any chance too much is running in your room for the circuit to handle, or that the monitors were both plugged into an old and crystallized socket???
Oh, one diagnostic trick to start, is to see if computer will go into safe mode. Safe mode uses less strenuous setting for monitor, so if monitor then works, try going into the video dialog, then Settings, then advanced, then a low refresh rate, click apply, click ok, then reboot\restart. If that does not work with either of two monitors, at lowest refresh available in safe mode, RMA video card by contacting the mfr's tech support, tell them card will not adjust to either of two montiors right, tell them what you have done, and after having done all of this they will probably RMA\Replace and trash the card on arrival and ship a new one. If it does not work with only new monitor, diag is internal monitor PS (power supply) circuit failure, progressive, in new monitor and they should RMA\Replace if under warranty.
That diag tree has never failed to get a very prompt replacement of card or monitor at need for me, and if it is PS in monitor and it is still under warranty tell them you want either a refund or a cross-ship, they will probably offer the cross-ship at that point, and if pissed ask them for a UPS call tag to be generated for old junk that was a lemon and died if you live in US. If very good, they will arrange that also, then you can pack old in new box, and have UPS pick it up with a phone call free to you if the driver does not just show up with a prepaid tag wanting your return.If the tech rep says no, tell him\her you want a supervisor on the phone pronto if you call, and if in email tell rep you need a toll-free number to call because you need to talk to supervisory management in tech support as you are sure thing is fubarred and warranty actionable.
Also, the entire system is running on an APC 1500. I dout there is a power problem.
Well, if worst comes to worst, its an excuse to upgrade.
That is actually part an iterative Occam's Razor slicing and dicing, logically, but most folks call it isolation of problem using emprical methods to eliminate all but what is wrong until one thing is left still acting bad. Or process of elimination. ONLY other things it could be is the PSU in computer undervoltaging card but not rest of box, or corrosion or bad monitor cable. If monitor cable is fixed to monitor and cannot be removed, then that (bad cable) is monitor warranty issue unless as happend to my boss the CAT ate the insulation-- he has a cat who is seemingly addicted to minor electrical charges or likes the taste of insulation of many kinds or is just irrascible, eats network cables, monitor cables, phone cables, vacuum cleaner cables, etc. Boss has replaced two cAt5 cables, two vacuum cords, all monitors in house are heavily electrical taped (cat does not like glue used on electrical tape).
Looks like most likely card, all three bad (monitors and card) very unlikely. RMA card first, then monitor under warranty if needed after testing with new card. Sorry, least cost is to RMA unless you really want an upgrade and got a cheap card this time. How old is card??? Sometimes the person or company you got it from can be talked into taking it back.