Comcast - 4Mbps
Grand Rapids, MI
Comcast just got upgraded (at least in West Michigan), and now my download speed is 4Mbps.
WoW did that 2 months ago. Good to see it's catching on.
/me crosses fingers
For my 1.4 mbit dsl service im paying 28.99 a month as a package deal with verizon and the modem was free.
We are all winning...
Yeah Maryland too. 3.2 last time I benchmarked. At this point I'm more interested in upload capacity.
So you are really suffering
Same here Shorty, You Americans have it all much cheaper than us you lucky ba.......people.
I read an article about that, Thrax. Unfortunately, I can't remember where, but I must say massive broadband bandwidth plus massive breasted blondes = Sweden?
It may be time for me to relocate to southern Scandanavia!
The bandwidth would just be a plus.
Blondes or you mean?!
One thing about big bosoms, Sweden has some of the foremost plastic surgeons in the world working there and making a profit.
I have Charter Digital Cable - 2.5mbps / 128kbps for 29.99 a month.