my first 1k

hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
edited June 2003 in Milestones
wooohoo my first 1000, and I've only been folding since Friday ;D;D


  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    uh oh....

    This is how Jumpin' Jack started if I remember correctly..... Better watch your backs, top 100 folders... :)

    Congrats, hooj!
  • NecropolisNecropolis Hawarden, Wales Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Congratulations on your first 1K. Keep it up and I will keep an eye out for you over my shoulder.
  • DanGDanG
    starts looking over his shoulder

    Congrats on the first k!
    I AM CANADIAN Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    starts looking over his shoulder

    Congrats on the first k!
  • edited June 2003
    we found the second 1/3 of pure insanity I think. WTF :fold:
  • qparadoxqparadox Vancouver, BC
    edited June 2003
    Awesome job, i see you're nearly ready for 2k as well. That's like ~ 500 points a day!. Watch out top 50, not top 100 ;).

    You just showed up on my threat radar to pass in December 2003. Time to get out those CC's ;).
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited June 2003
    There goes the 2k mark here comes 3k
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    My lord you are kicking some ass.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited June 2003
    :wow: what on earth are u folding on?
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    All the PCs in Bournemouth?
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited June 2003
    not quiet all the PCs in Bournemouth, but I have got the whole of my project lab folding (about 18 computers) and as uni's finished thats all they do all day long.

    Unfortunatly it will only be till I get kicked out of here which shouldn't hopefully be for a month or two.

    Till then I will have to canne it ;D
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    At this rate, thats a good 30,000 points counting on 60 days.

  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2003
    hooj said
    not quiet all the PCs in Bournemouth, but I have got the whole of my project lab folding (about 18 computers) and as uni's finished thats all they do all day long.

    Unfortunatly it will only be till I get kicked out of here which shouldn't hopefully be for a month or two.

    Till then I will have to canne it ;D

    Hmmm... Thats probably close to 40 points a computer per day, or close to 720 points a day:fold::fold::fold:
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited June 2003
    Well I've just learnt that these PCs are gettin formated and rebuilt sometime after next week.

    This means as long as I still have access to the lab I will be able to reinstall folding@home and have them all folding for the next year, heres hoping
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited June 2003
    hooj... don't forget that if you reinstall, you need to change the username to Geeky1... stanford just discovered that any other user name can cause... issues... :D
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    What speed are they. 18 P4s should produce more than that.
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited June 2003
    they're all P4 2Gz with 512 MB, the problem at the mo is there full of ****, as we can install what we like on them. This means people without any common sense install loads of crap. After the rebuild they should all be up2 full speed
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    You are running gromac on them correct. Please do so if not. It will add several thousand a week it so. You should be pretty close to csimon since he has like 23 2.2ghz P4s.
  • hoojhooj Bournemouth, UK
    edited June 2003
    yea I'm running gromacs on them
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