FS: ATI X850XTX Low Price
Dunlap, IL
ATI Radeon x850xtx $40 shipped
$35 shipped
Is this an X850 XT Platinum Edition? I've got some interesting plans for an X850 If I toast mine, I may get in touch with you for a replacement!
Let me know if you need it... Sounds like you are doing some serious OC'ing!
I just read your blog, will be watching for updates. I actually don't know what this card will do, I have not overclocked it. It was in an old htpc I parted ways with.
Oh really! Its a crossfire edition card? Do you have the crossfire cable for it? I might be interested
Hows the watercooling equipment treating you?
EDIT: Waitaminute - is that PCI Express? My MB is AGP.
Let me know ASAP. Even if it is PCI I might still be interested.
Hmmm, well if I did get it I could install it in a new system I want to build, so the 4870 video card purchase could wait a month or 2........