55k in the books - btw Mudd?
It might just be me, but this shiny new toaster makes the WU's just fly by!
Mudd - I figure you might want to start working on your new avatar because in the good natured, spirited sense of healthy competition....
you're getting bumped from Top 5.
Fold on.
Mudd - I figure you might want to start working on your new avatar because in the good natured, spirited sense of healthy competition....
you're getting bumped from Top 5.
Fold on.
Fold on.
muddocktor + Newegg = enough to get the job done.
I'll keeping an eye on this one boys.:D
...but based on current predictions he'll get bumped from early July to early August.
Maybe he could just put some black electrical tape over the corner of the avatar for a little while.
Fold on.
(changing all the Vicodins to GMackeys)
Fold on.
Fold on!
4.2ghz of folding coming Monday.
Fold on.
LOL, this just gets better and better.