FS HP 17" Laptop zd7000

TurboPenguinTurboPenguin Orangevale, CA
edited December 2008 in Trading Post
Info can be found on craigslist. Let me know if your interested I am willing to make you a deal if its icrontic... Thanks guys!

Moderator Edit: Link removed by Leonardo


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    TurboPenguin, sorry, but that is not an acceptable advertisement.

    Icrontic is NOT just a click-through for Craigslist. I will send you a private message. We can revive your for-sale ad here, but it needs some work.


    Edit: Well, I did not send you a PM, as you do not have private messaging enabled. Please go to the top of the main page of the Trading Post and click on the link for the rules. It's obvious you have not read them.

    You must post a price.
    You must have private messaging enabled.

    You are welcomed to trade here, just please read the rules and PM me when you are ready to re-post or edit your ad. :cool:(when this is patched up, I'll gladly remove my comments)

This discussion has been closed.