PC freezes and auto resets after 5-10 mins HELP!

revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
edited December 2008 in Hardware
Basically, my pc will freeze, ie mouse wont move, keyboard wont respond after 5-10 mins. the pc will freeze any min now so i have to type this quickly

Please help!


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Heat? Test memory? Power supply voltages okay?
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    I have a Antec 1200. Good airflow. No temp probs, they all seem fine.
    it has reset its self 12 times so far today.
    Ram is fine on memtest overnight.
    My psu is generic but the voltage readings seem fine. it hasnt given me any grief ever and these problems have only started since i installed GTA 4 and all the crap that comes with it.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    If I were to buy a 1tb hdd and install vista onto it.
    Would I be able to access this currant XP hdd through it if I used e-sata and transfere all my files.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Also, should I buy a corsair hx620W ?
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    It was able to run memtest over night buy only lasts 10 min when you are using it? I still suspect either CPU temp or something in the PSU getting hot and dropping a voltage.
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited December 2008

    What specs man... give us the rundown of what is in the PC :)
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Well, the PSU is a Winpower 550W (whatever brand that is) so I know its very generic. Its just strange the way this has only started happening since I installed GTA 4 and all the other programs that comes with it.

    My pc specs are

    Asus M2N-E SLI
    AMD Athlon x2 5200+ 2.6GHZ
    2GB module of unbranded memory (passes memtest overnight)
    Nvidia 8500GT 512MB passve cooled version
    Segate Barracuda 250GB

    Im pretty sure its not CPU temp.
  • edited December 2008
    mark you proberly need to format and reinstall windows because of all the 8gb porn on your computer, good old limewire, when your pc actually freezes its not freezing it cuming. lol hello mark
  • RichDRichD Essex, UK
    edited December 2008
    mark you proberly need to format and reinstall windows because of all the 8gb porn on your computer, good old limewire, when your pc actually freezes its not freezing it cuming. lol hello mark

    lol. Good contructive help! Thats what I like to see...

    My money is on the PSU. If it was heat it would have rebooted during memtest. If it was memory it would show up in memtest.

    I suppose something could have gone screwy with the GTA installation but it seems unlikly.

    You can install Visa on a new HD set it as your primary and set your old as the slave then just copy and paste stuff off your old HD if you wanted too but a new PSU will be cheaper than a 1TB HD and a copy of Vista. If you PSU is knackered installing Vista on a second drive wont fix the problem.
  • bullzisniprbullzisnipr Topeka, KS
    edited December 2008
    revorocks wrote:
    Well, the PSU is a Winpower 550W (whatever brand that is) so I know its very generic. Its just strange the way this has only started happening since I installed GTA 4 and all the other programs that comes with it.

    My pc specs are

    Asus M2N-E SLI
    AMD Athlon x2 5200+ 2.6GHZ
    2GB module of unbranded memory (passes memtest overnight)
    Nvidia 8500GT 512MB passve cooled version
    Segate Barracuda 250GB

    Im pretty sure its not CPU temp.

    As Rich said, I also am willing to bet it's the PSU. "Winpower" sounds pretty crappy, get yourself a thermaltake, antec, corsair, OCZ, etc. OK it with us first. :p
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Well, I still have a feeling it isn't the PSU
    I am running out of space anyway so I think I will get a 1TB hdd soon.
    When I installed GTA 4 I also installed this hotfix and a AND dualcore optimiser.
    I have a feeling that could be the problem, I will uninstall the optimiser and see if it fixes it.
    I am going to get a new PSU soon, the Corsair HX620W but at the moment its a bit pricy so I am hoping it will go down at Chrismas.
    I've uninstalled the hotfix yet the problem still persists. Ill report back once i've removed the optimiser.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    One reason that we keep mentioning PSU is that memtest puts almost no load on the CPU and none on the GPU. The mobo and memory are only 20% of the system load. So the PSU could be flaking out at higher load.
    I would pull the CPU cooler and remount with good thermal paste jsut to make sure that it is sound.
  • edited December 2008
    He is using Arctic Silver 5
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Yup, I just realised that the CPU was overclocked by 150mhz. I have put it back to stock speeds.
    Now, the problem no longer happens.
    The pc has been off all night so I guess the PSU has been able to cool down, if it was the PSU. I will let you know if it happens again but I think it was the cpu overclock.
    I forgot I set Ntune to overclock it on startup. BIOS said it was a stock speeds but ntune changed it once it loaded windows.

    Anyway, yes I am using AS 5.
    CPU temps get to max 50C after 4 hours of orthos on blend and small FFTs.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Well I've been playing GTA 4 for 2 hours. Pc seems fine. I guess it was my fault forgetting about Ntune overclocking the CPU.
    Well, thanks for the help everyone. Glad my pc is working again :)
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    I guess it was my fault forgetting about Ntune overclocking the CPU.
    You may have had inadequate vCore voltage, but then, that usually will cause a crash, not just a freeze. But it still could be. Also, if you wish to overclock, do it through the BIOS and NOT through software. Nvidia's tweaking software works beautifully with their video cards, but not with CPUs. But then, I wouldn't try any overclocking at all with a generic PSU.

    Glad you fixed the problem!
  • DrLiamDrLiam British Columbia
    edited December 2008
    I've had nothing but headaches with earlier versions of nTune for CPU and GPU @_@; I uninstalled it years ago and unless they have updated the software significantly I'd recommend one of the many better clients available.
    ATITool being one.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    I would not use ANY software for CPU overclocking. Any CPU overclocking above anything more than merely token tweaking should be through the BIOS.

    I'm currently running Nvidia System Tools for GPU overclocking and it works beautifully, except for fan speed regulation. I user Riva Tuner for GPU fan speeds. I had been using Riva Tuner exclusively for both GPU overclocking and fan speed regulation, but had to seek an alternative when I installed dual video cards and a 9800GX2 in my machines. In multi-GPU systems, Riva Tuner would only keep the clock settings for one card (one GPU in the case of the GX2) upon system startup. Nvidia System Tools is rock solid in locking the clocks of dual GPUs, but won't regulate the fan speeds for some reason. So I still run Riva Tuner just for the fan speeds.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Yes I usually do overclock from the bios. I was overclocking about 2 weeks ago first through Ntune, then through bios and I guess I forgot that I left Ntune set to overclock so when I discovered it was unstable. I put it back to stock speeds in bios (because I was only getting another 100mhz out of it) but didn't realise Ntune was stil overclocking it. :P Silly me.
    I use Ntune to overclock my video cards and I have never had any problems with it.
    I used to use ATI tool but it stopped working, I would drag the slider up to a desired speed, hit set clock, but the clocks wouldnt change, also, some profiles wouldn't load, basically it all went a bit screwy so I went for Ntune and it worked fine.

    I am planning on a videocard, HDD and PSU upgrade after christmas hoping to take advantage of falling prices (if they do). I've heard that ATI cards will go down significantly and I am planning on getting a 4870 1GB and Corsair HX 620W.
    I know I only currantly run 1024x768 but I can get money alot quicker than I used to so I may be able to buy a nice 22" sometime.

    Once again thanks for the help :D
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    AHH its back, the problem has started again! PC has been ojn all day so I think its the PSU taking ages to get too hot then it cant supply stable power, could this be right?
  • RichDRichD Essex, UK
    edited December 2008
    Im not so sure its the PSU over heating. I would think it is more likely to be CPU over heating. Check your heatsink is clean and up to the job. You can download Coretemp to monitor your CPU temerature while you are gaming and you can see what is going on. I would be suprised if the ambiant temperature is a problem given the case you have.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    ARG, Ive said so many times. Its DEFFINATLY not my CPU overheating.
    The problem only happens I think when there is internet activity such as Xfire voice chat or using firefox but I can play a SP game or run folding for hours with no problem
    My HSF has AS 5 thermal paste and I have a Antec 1200.
    The HSF is properly seated, it passes on mem test overnight. GPU is overclocked but can run all benchmarks and games with no artifacts atall. It's stable..

    Could it be somthing like a network adapter driver on the chipset or somthing? If they exist...
    Ok, I was running orthos. All temps are fine.
    CPU idle is 35C, max 50C
    While I was running ORTHOS for about 3 minutes I got a BSOD but could read it.
    this is the first BSOD i have had for a long time.
    The temp was 50C
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Hmm, my pc has been runnign for 10 mins now and it hasnt frozen. I think this problem is COMPLETLY random :S

    EDIT, 10 seconds after this I opened a new tab then after 5 seconds it froze.
    I am going to run all my gpu bench marks. A HD DST, ORTHOS and memtest again. just to see if anything happens although I think it will pass them all.
    I have a feeling this is a software issue.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Right, done all those. HDD is fine. CPU and RAM are fine. GFX passes all the benchies like crysis on highest 3dmark etc absolutly fine. Can do them all day...
    As soon as I open firefox. After looking around, youtube, email and icrontic I freeze after five minutes.
    I can be connected to the wireless network and not have any problems but as soon as there is significant activity such as voice chat or firefox it will freeze and reset.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Now its been on for about 2 hours. Ive been playing games, using internet and its fine.
    I really have no idea whats going on with this PC... Any ideas?
  • RichDRichD Essex, UK
    edited December 2008
    I have just noticed the motherboard you are using. I believe a lot of people have had problems with the M2N series boards being stable. I originally bought the same board you have and couldn't get it to boot to windows and I couldn't install vista. I ended up flashing the bios to even get the vista installation to work. Then a week later the whole thing just stopped working and couldn't get power to the board. I assumed the PSU had gone, bought a new one and still had the same problem. In the end I went to PC World and bought a Gigabyte S3 series board. Installed Vista fine and have had no problems sinse... Well not until last week when my graphics card has gone tits up. That too is Asus.

    My last system was built from Asus components and that was solid as a rock so I stuck with them but the build quality from Asus on my current rig has been pretty poor.

    I know this doesn't tell you how to cure your problem and there is no gaurentee that it is the MB.

    What are other peoples opinions of this board?
  • RichDRichD Essex, UK
    edited December 2008
    Maybe I was being a little unfair in my last post as there are a lot of positive reviews for it out there but you may want to try putting your memory in the black sockets instead of the yellow

  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    Right. Well, its been on for about 5 hours with internet activity and its fine now. This is really really confusing :S
    I will move the memory to a black slot if the problem starts again.
    I have updated the bios to the lastest version last month.
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    BUMP, now the problem happens randomly. When using the internet or not using it. This is getting really annoying :( Are you sure its the PSU?
  • revorocksrevorocks England, East Sussex, Hove Member
    edited December 2008
    AHH I can't take it anymore. I need a solution! :( Please help.
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