_k's Krazy Kase for Klan Lan or something

_k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
edited January 2009 in Hardware
So I have been sekritly building a case for IC lan to hold a cheap parted out frag box. It is almost close enough to completion that I am willing to share my project.

I am pretty sure most everyone has seen pictures or read a review on the Antec skeleton rig. I hate it. It is heavy, to much plastic, and not really a skeleton of anything. So instead of use one of those things I decided to build something that is really a skeleton case in true concept of a torture rig. So instead of building something completely from scrape and have to fab a lot of the parts I just went down to my local Home Depot and started looking around and found their section of tie down block parts(metal pieces used to hold wood together). The idea behind this is so someone can replicate what I do or a variance of it with some ease also so if something things to be changed or added its kind of "modular" in the design.

Currently the frame work is a large cube like, almost square just slightly rectangular. Its large enough to hold an ATX board but I am using a micro because this design uses a motherboard tray I pulled from an old dell, this takes care of a lot of work for me as well as making it easier to remove the board and transport things safely. This cage is meant to only hold essentials so there are no extra case fans and no ROM, just a board-proc-ram-video card-PSU-HDD/SSD.

The parts for this build are going to be:
5600+ x2 or 5400+ x2 black edition($65-$74)
4GB of RAM, value crucial or patriot($30-$50)
small HDD or 64GB SSD(HDD would be free cause of "connections")
UPDATE: GA-MA74GM-S2($67.35).....it will work for plug and play and is cheap.
CM 460W PSU($40)
Radeon 1900xt(in my server)
Kingwin direct heat pipe 92mm cooler($5)

The case just needs to be screwed together the rest of the way and JB welded. When I get the frame together pics are going to be put up with a full list of parts and cost as well as a quick break down. Right now the case cost is right around $37 and might hit 40. The biggest issue is the JB weld takes 15 hours to harden fully so to weld the whole case takes the better part of a week. Until next time.


  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    nice. Lets see some pics as it comes together.
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited December 2008
    Looking forward to the finished product.

    You aren't the only one who saw that Antec case and went, 'wtf?' It seemed like a cool idea, but poorly implemented. Not enough k's, either. Antek Skeleton? Now we're getting somewhere.
  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    What exactly about the Antec Skeleton case do you think is poorly implemented? I actually think I like it, but haven't had one in front of me to know for sure.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Go to my previous employer to see one.
    Draw backs:
    Front IO ports and switches have short cables.
    The frame is solid not a beam style, I beam or even C beam, which makes hiding cables hard.
    Only takes micro-ATX.
    A lot of plastic.
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited December 2008
    mas0n wrote:
    What exactly about the Antec Skeleton case do you think is poorly implemented? I actually think I like it, but haven't had one in front of me to know for sure.
    Specifically, it somehow manages to be a test-bed skeleton that cannot accommodate taller graphics cards. And at the same time, it's huge. I think if you're going for a minimalistic test-bed frame, it's critical to be efficient in the layout. You want it to be small, portable and accommodating of all types of hardware. That's the whole idea of a skeleton -- to shed the confines of a traditional case.

    Don't get me wrong, I think it's fairly attractive and an interesting concept for a production 'case'. I was initially excited by it. That's why I singled out the implementation for criticism. If they had gotten rid of the big, arc-shaped legs and the top cross brace, it might have been perfect.

    Oh, and it costs about $100 too much for what it is.
  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    I had heard that taller CPU coolers would have clearance issues, but had not heard anything regarding a larger GPU. Interesting.
    Khaos wrote:
    Oh, and it costs about $100 too much for what it is.

  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited December 2008
    I think it only affects long, tall cards in second or third slots for CFX/SLI setups, if I recall correctly.

    Obviously this is not from experience. Just an obnoxiously strong opinion based on the reviews I read at the time of its release.

    I don't think anybody would actually pay $140 for one, or whatever they cost now.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008



    So I just got everything enough together to post it up. Like I said before mirco board on a dell tray, its locked in place with two screws on the far right side using washers and nuts. I am using the cross pieces to add stability and hold the weight when the heatsink and video card is added. The major issue I am facing now is figuring out how to mount the PSU and HDD/SSD on the bottom. I think I am going to use another piece of those large metal sheets and secure it to one of the uprights, screw in the PSU in one place and bend some metal to make a holder for the unit.....not sure. I need to spend some more time figuring out how to do this well.

    There are still a few places that need JB weld to secure. I am going to torch the corners to burn out any plastic and finish the curing, still tacky after several days. Then the whole thing is going to get a coat or two of black paint except the mother board tray. The whole suspension system for the PSU-HDD-MoBo is not going to be welded only screwed so they can be removed for transport because if you didn't notice the whole thing leans a little due to manufacturing tolerances on the stamped metal pieces I am using. Its good enough for what I, I want that home made look but still an apperance of some though and inguinity.

    I took more and loaded them up to a flickr account, http://www.flickr.com/photos/33201014@N02/.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    Bro it's ghetto and nasty. It's like functional shizznat. I like it.

    Personally, I'd embrace the ghetto. Paint dat bish gold and black. Hang a fake platinum medallion off the side. Better yet, check ebay for a Mercedes logo someone ripped of a parked car.

    I've had some bad luck with JBweld in the past. But a lot of people swear buy it. So is it the JB weld you are going to torch off?
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    I am going to torch it to make sure its cured all the way, just a quick hit. Its not as strong as they say but its ok, I didn't have enough room to tap and drill another set of holes which is why I am doing it. I want to keep it kind of plain.....the bling might be some UV. There is going to be only one accent item and its only going to be decided once I get everything set up.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    OH, one idea I've had but never perused for mounting a hard drive is to use piano wire and just flat brackets. I'm attaching a bad pic of what I sorta mean. If you look near the hinges and bolts and such you'll see some tension screws clamp thingies. Wish I could remember their name. They are designed to take slack out of rope or tension wires.
  • CBCB Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Der Millionendorf- Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    How does it compare in size to the Antec Skeleton?
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    <table class="specification" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="name">Dimensions</td> <td class="desc">13”(H) x 14.8”(W) x 16.5”(D)</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="name">Weight</td> <td class="desc">15.5 lbs.</td></tr></tbody></table>So its not as big all the way around as well as hard to handle. At work I was trying to pick up the case and the way the curved frame works makes it hard to deal with. Mine feels like it is pretty easy to move and change because you can just grab it by the end and walk around with it. I am trying to get it so the box can be used flat and vertical.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Ok another small change
    PSU: Ultra LSP 650Pro....Lifetime Series....?
    I bought two of these, one for me and one for a friend at $49.99 a piece and I ended up getting $10 extra from my friend for installing his and the fact he is using my 1900xt instead of his dusty GeForce6600. So in the end it cost me $39.99 excluding tax. Now I am going to work on getting the PSU holder bent and installed, more pics to come, and then its off to paint this fool.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Wow it looks like I am spamming this thread.

    So I finished getting my PSU suspension system bent and set. The only step that is left is to paint this fool up. The flicker link from post 9 is updated with all of the new pictures I took and here are a few.



    The brace that runs under the supply and back up top is going to be secured with a nut and that brace is actually working like a spring pushing up against the mobo tray. The brace that runs around the side of the unit and out to the corner piece as the tab that runs around so I run a zip through there and keep all of my cables that are not being used in the corner and neat. I might shift one of the bottom tray supports that helps hold the PSU and keep stress of of the mounts for it just so it looks better, but consider this v1.0. We ain't in beta any more.

    edit: thought you might like this. (NSFW)
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited December 2008
    Ghetto to the max, man. Love it.

    Skelet0r > k's Krazy Kase > Skeleton, in that order.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    Looking good man. Have you flashed the jbweld with the blow torch yet? I'm wondering how that worked out. Also what are you going to use for your power button?
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    No I didn't blow torch it just took a lighter to it. I think some of the weld that wasn't mixed all the way caught fire. Worked out really well. The power button is just a big crappy replacement one that I am going to try and hide in the left over PSU cables.
  • KhaosKhaos New Hampshire
    edited December 2008
    Duuuuude, PLEASE NSFW links that are... Not safe for work.

    Thanks; done pooping on the party now.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    Khaos wrote:
    Duuuuude, PLEASE NSFW links that are... Not safe for work.

    Thanks; done pooping on the party now.

    HAHAHA he got you too? AT my job we have software that just blocks the website. Makes it even worse. Then you have this big white page that says BLOCKED and something about censored bla bla. in bold letter.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Ya sorry about that guys. I didn't think about that cause I don't check the forums at work only at home cause I am at work to work.

    UPDATE: Case needs two more coats, motherboard tray needs painting-ETA TOMORROW. I am picking up the ram tomorrow. Either this 6400 or 8500 kit. 40 plus 20 dollar mail in on the 6400 and 45 plus 15 dollar mail on the 8500. Need to do some soul searching if I am going to go for a Phenom or Athalon in Janish-Febish, also tally up cost so far. This is an attempt at a cheap good computer for anything. Need to price out bling too. Part list for case is coming tomorrow and updated purchase list and cost.

    edit UPDATE: Going with the 6400, same exact ram just clocked different from the manufacturer. OC will not be an issue as long as the board will run it and throwing some corsair DHX air coolers on them.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Case Parts List
    Power Switch $2.99-$1.72(Associate discount) = $1.27
    10 oz. Flat Black Paint = $0.98
    #6-32x.5" flat head screws plastic bag 9x$0.98 = $8.82
    #8 cut washers plastic bag 1x$0.98 = $0.98
    Gusset Angle 18x$0.73 = $13.14
    12 in. Strap 4x$0.86 = $3.44
    18 in Strap 4x$1.08 = $4.32
    3x7 Tie 7x$0.77= $5.39
    JB Weld = $6.00
    Total: $44.34
    Tax: $3.66
    Cost: $48.00

    I ended up with a few an extra bag of screws and one spare Gusset Angle, but it makes a difference of less than $2.00. Everything was purchased from Home Depot except the spray paint that was from Lowes. So to build your own Krazy Klan Lan Kase that is what you need and some imagination.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    Alright so its prepped and ready to go. Just need the proc, HDD, and off board video. When the proc gets placed I am going to go ahead and dump a SMP on it and get some folding stats up on the AMD Phenom 9850 Black Box(hope my board has up to date BIOS). 4870 512MB is going into it unless something drastic happens in the next few weeks.



    So if you didn't notice I zip-tied the power switch to one of the upright supports. The HDD will mount right in front of the PSU on its side. I hope the PCI-e power cables reach for the video card....a little miscalculation. If you didn't notice I threw in 4 GB of Patriot Viper ram(CL4, 4-4-4-12, 2.1v). The processor is getting purchased in January.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    Looking good man. The black really pulls it together. I like how the components really stand out. What kind of switch are you using that is only 2.99?
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    This one, I bought it from Frys while I was still working there which is why it cost me half as much. Switches only cost 10 cents to be made and shipped. I thought about building my own power switch with a micro switch or a toggle....but I realized I was lazy and went to sleep instead.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited December 2008
    Hey man, if it works it works. The markup is ridiculous.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited December 2008
    A 50ft. LAN cable retails for about $30 and it cost <$2.5. Every little accessories part in a store is min. half profit, usually the company is making >75% and the store knows about 50%.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited January 2009
    All of the new pics uploaded to flicker. Check it out.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited January 2009
    I have to say, when I first saw you JB welding things up I doubted you, but you really pulled it off in a good way. Great job man!
  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited January 2009
    This has really come together. Nice project.
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