YES Adding raid drivers without hitting F6 finally
what a struggle. It should of been much easier then this. But I think I finally have it down. Its harder if they are not signed and windows xp shipped with drivers it seems. A lot easier if they don't have drivers.
I now have a huge 1.7gb bootable XP installation on a DVD with SP2 slipstreamed and a bunch of driver updates, registry tweaks and additional programs like Office XP, Nero, Photoshop etc.. that install with the XP install.
XP installs automatically and only stops to ask me the disk/partition to install to.
I need to write a guide.
I now have a huge 1.7gb bootable XP installation on a DVD with SP2 slipstreamed and a bunch of driver updates, registry tweaks and additional programs like Office XP, Nero, Photoshop etc.. that install with the XP install.
XP installs automatically and only stops to ask me the disk/partition to install to.
I need to write a guide.
If you know of any cost-effective solutions, hit me up.
A guide would be awesome, nevertheless.
I know you poo-poo them but I got my burner which burns both dvd-ram and dvd-r for 50 bucks. If you just wanted the older dvd-rams that burn 2.6 per side dvd-ram's you could get one for maybe 30 bucks. I have two cheap ones and one of the 50 buck ones on my 3 servers. For myself I burn 2.6 dvd-rams as they are reusable and trust me I burnt a ton getting to this point... I was gonna burn dvd-r's for other people for compatibility. The 30 buck ones burn slow but install great. I am trying to get the correct install switchs oin a couple more apps to finish this baby. Then I'll do a XP with SP1 and the hotfix rollup and dx9 and WMP etc... for those that don't want the SP2 beta yet.
Its so slick I wish I had done this ages ago.
And prime..... If you even have a dvd-player and not a burner I could fix ya up.
You can fit a ton on a cd if you can overburn. Mine will get over 900mb on a cd with overburn. And a cheap dvd-ram burner like mine is 30 bucks. A nice one that burns dvd-ram and dvd-r's is maybe 50 to 60 bucks on eBay. Its worth it for sure. The dvd-ram cartridges can be used over and over.
Or can I?....
Hehe, a little while ago, I thought that 2 HDD's was the max.
Two more questions popped into my head:
1) Which would you recommend I buy?
2) Do you know if open-source o/s's ( namely FBSD,) support dvd-burning?
2) Not a clue. I dislike the open source initiative.
But if it burns dvd-ram and dvd-r who cares? The new multi-burners do dvd-ram dvd-r and cd-r's. Some do the +r's as well. I really don't care if its main stream as long as I have enough media. Used cost is barely more then a cdrom drive and can do so much more.
There are more home dvd players recording dvd-ram then I have ever seen. Crap they have a Pioneer home unit for hooking up to a TV on eBay that records dvd-r and dvd-ram for 60 bucks. WTF ?
My older ones don't do cd's but for 50 bucks I have been thrilled so far with what I have. Wish they were faster but...
And they have a good number of home dvd-ram units geared toward the TV crowd showing up it seems? Is this a growing market?
OHH and another question/problem. Would using a corp version of xp prove to be a problem?
I am no rocket scientist most of this is easy and well documented. Only the raid drivers as a boot device is goofy really and doesnt follow the MS documentation. You gotta sort hack them in but its not that hard.
I am trying to get the switchs for like 4 of my apps I can't make silent install. They still prompt you for crap when the install runs but I'll get them also. (grin)
Here is a list of the apps I install now with sp2. With sp1 you would need all the pre-sp2 hotfix and dx9 and wmp updates also but thats easy. In fact they have a hotfix rollup that includes most of them in one.exe anyway.
My progs
Office XP Professional with Frontpage
Adobe Reader 6.
Nero 6.0
WinRaR 3.2.
AdMuncher 4.51
XP Customizer 1.85
Reg Cleaner
Reg Crawler
Sandra 2004
Ultra iso6
systemworks 2003
Registry Tweaks (my collection of registry mods)
Everything but the raid drivers is a piece of cake and I can post scripts you can download and modify for your own use. If you can write bat files you can do this very easily.
I actually use the install of XP to copy in a ton more programs into my install source directory and my "drivers" install directory that I don't want to normally install but I want them on the machine when I boot to install manually.
I have a really basic question:
When two drives are setup in raid-0 array, how is the data distributed between the two during writes? I understand that they're recognized as '1' drive, but where does the actual data lie?
For instance, lets say my computer got hit by lightening (knocks on wood,) and 1 of my drives in raid-0 dies. (my computer is too leet to allow additional damage )
Now, if I were to take the surviving hdd, and scan it for remnants of files, will I find 1/2 of the original file? Sounds dumb right? You'd be surprised how many dumb things I've uttered in my lifetime.
Still, I'm curious. Will I be able to retrieve data off the 2nd hdd, or does damage to one render the other obsolete?
Now picture a big raid-0 array with 8 disks. You lose one and its all gone still. And with 8 disks your EIGHT TIMES as likely to have a disk failure also.
I run big scsi raid arrays and every server also has a 120 or 80gb ide drive to backup key data to. And I run a gigabit lan and copy stuff also to other computers so in reality I am backed up multiple places so unless my house burns down I'm OK. And if my house burns my data on these drives (pron) is the last thing I will be worried about.
Which reminds me, after I get 2x raptors, and some additional jb's I'll have a spare 80gb ata100 drive. I wish there were some way for me to get more than 6 hdd's (2x 3hdd trays,) so that I could actually put that 80gb somewhere. My case has 2 extra 5" bays up top, but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to make use of them.
Regarding the 80gb, would you recommend that I backup my o/s+critical files on that, and then safely tuck it away some where?
Concerning that '(pron)' comment: I'm sure you invested a lot of time into maintaining/sorting/obtaining the database. I know I did. It's harder to hide it on a pc than you might have been led to believe. My girlfriend 'stumbled' across some pretty raunchy material. Needless to say, I'm a better man for it (albeit deprived of some 'alone time'.)
You have empty bays right? You have any open pci slots? If so your in buisness. Add a cheap ide controller and hook up more drives. And even if you have no pci slots you can hang hardrives off usb or firewire ports as well.
You can mount 3.5 drives in 5' bays.
Regarding backups. Some swear by ghosting images religously. I ghost once when its first set up and fully configured and I backup stuff nightly but only whats in the "My Documents" folders. Downloads, installs, mps3's get backed up maybe weekly as I can live without having a hissy fit if I lost something from there. Emails and stuff is a differant story and its backed up nightly. Used to be a nightmare with my family putting sh*t all over the place. Now they know that if its anyplace but in the own Documents directory I am allowed to blow it away at my discretion. Amazing really how easily trained they become and thus how easy it is to backup.
My stuff is differant as I have servers on a domain and I can copy from one machine to another also. You also realize that if you have multiple computers there is software that can keep two directorys on differant machines synchronized? When changes happen to one directory it dups them to the other machine etc.. Can happen on a schedule or realtime.
And my better half doesnt care about the pron at all. Doesnt want the kids in it but thats really not to difficult on a domain really. there are tons of ways to secure it unless your talking from real computer hacker guys or the feds or something.
Yep, I'll be looking into some sort of converter. My case's bays are different though. Each has two plastic things that you mount on either side of the peripheral, that you supposedly slide in 'easily'. I don't know about everyone else, but I had a lot of trouble sliding them in. It seemed as though they were too big. I had to shove both my cd-rw + dvd-rom in quite hard. I know I'm missing something here.
Are you using any program other than Norton? I've got it as part of my norton systemworks suite, but I've yet to test it out.
I had no idea you had kids. Congrats man.
The thing is, I've got different o/s's running on each machine: one has freebsd, the other Slackware. I'll probably have to look into it. I think that'll need to remote mount, dump+restore, with a crontab to handle scheduling.
Well I guess it's ok in your situation, seeing as how you've pretty much got everything under control. I'm still stuck in the 'twilight zone' part of the relationship.
I've got a total of 6 of those clips for 3 bays. I don't even know what I'm searching for online. Tried "5 inch 3 inch converters" [neg], tried "hdd storage converter" [neg], tried "hdd 5 inch cage" [neg]. Oh well, I'll probably have to browse through several indexes.
I think my neighbor has a copy of Drive Image; I'll probably pop in for a bud and a browse tomorrow.
I'm 21, and I'm pretty sure I've got a kid or two somewhere that I'm not aware of.
I've got the samba thing going on b/w my freebsd and my main rig, but that's just for storing the horrendous amounts of digital photos that my girlfriend insists on keeping.
And finally, regarding the twilight zone:
I vow to be the first male to ever shatter that bind. Just watch me.
Thanx for the pointers Tex. I'll probably count on you for future advice on all things raid-tweak, if that's ok with you. It's been an enriching conversation
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