Warhammer Online...Is It Worth It?
I can honestly say Warhammer is one of few series I actually enjoy and follow. Back in the day I had a 3.5k point Orc 40k army and a 2.5k point original Lizardman army. I've played all the Warhammer games for the computer and tabletop. I really enjoyed all of them.
Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning is out....
I've heard alot of hype for it. Then again, AoC (Age Of Conan) got alot of hype aswell....and it's pure crap.
So has anyone played it yet? I've been wondering if I should grab it before Christmas but I don't to play Warhammer's version of WoW...
Does the hype really match the game and it's potential??
*eagerly waits for a reply*
Warhammer Online: Age Of Reckoning is out....
I've heard alot of hype for it. Then again, AoC (Age Of Conan) got alot of hype aswell....and it's pure crap.
So has anyone played it yet? I've been wondering if I should grab it before Christmas but I don't to play Warhammer's version of WoW...
Does the hype really match the game and it's potential??
*eagerly waits for a reply*
Also, if you DO want to be PvP heavy, play on an open RvR server. In those, world PvP is not just limited to the RvR pool.
How would you describe it though?
Is it like PvP in WoW? Where it's basically an even match every time or...is the PvP more like Eve-Online? As in, you're prob gonna get ganked if you dont watch your back??
It's an investment I really don't want to regret *cough*EVE*cough*.
edit: w00t! I'm an "Icrontic Posting Maniac" now...it's about time! hehe
Yeah, heh...
The PvP in core servers is pretty generalized, but thats not where you want to be if your a hardcore PvPer, you should head for the open RvR servers.
In the open RvR servers, you really can't be 'ganked' because if a toon of the opposite faction of a much higher level enters a lower zone and goes in far enough, he will become a chicken and really can't do anything (this dosent apply in open RvR server's PvP pools, as there is not a cap on the levels in there, I don't think.).
The classes are also very balanced, and no class has an exact counterpart on the opposite faction.
The scenarios, which are like WoW's battlegrounds, are **insert really high number here** times better than WoW because everyone's level is either brought up to a certain level or brought down to it, so everyone has an even playing field, level wise. This means that you are wholly dependent on your skill, gear, and specs to win.
You also have a "Tactic" tree alongside your normal spec tree. This is essentially a PvP spec. Both your PvP spec and standard spec are active at the same time, so they work together. This system is really neat because you get ranks with your standard levels and go up as you do PvP. These ranks give you gear and points much like standard levels give you spec points. This also gives more incentive to PvP once you hit 40 because the Rank cap (I beleive) is 80.
One bad thing I do have to say is that the grind to 40 is unbearable (at least to me). Although you get your mount at 20, hitting 20 takes about the same time it takes to hit 45 in WoW, but you get to rank up your abilities every level. I really felt the drag at 18, when it began to get boring for me as everyone I talked to a quested with began dropping off. So, like every MMO, bring in a friend with you if you can.
Guilds are VERY interesting and probably one of the best parts of the game. Your guild has a level, much like your toon does, and they are capped at 40, much like your toon is. Your guild gain levels as guildies do thing like participate in public quests, take keeps, etc. and your guild get something new from it, be it a new banner for your standard bearer, new guild tactics, access to the guild hall, new guild bank tabs, or even the ability to hand your guild banner from sieged keeps and claim them as yours. The guild with the most renown for the week gets their guild banner posted outside the guild hall in either Altdorf or The Inveitable City.
I took some screenies of the beta once the NDA was lifted here.Nothing much has really changed since the beta, although I haven't played recently.
If you PvP, you should totally pick it up.
I would have to disagree with Gate28's notion that the game is balanced. Both sides have mirror counterparts. They seem similar. They are not. Certain classes significantly outshine their counterparts and other classes are just useless. For example a Squig Herder is to WAR what a HunTARD is to WOW. 9 times out of 10 they waste space doing minimal DPS with very little utility. Order side has no real counterpart to it, although one may argue that a White Lion is the Order pet class. The problem is that a White Lion is melee based and offers utility to the PVP and are harder to take down since they are not squishy like the Squig Herders.
The game is centered for PVP. I played on an open server meaning I could get ganked at any given time (like Wow). But when I played a Bright Wizard most of my PVP fights went like this: I cast a big fireball, that crits for half your life. I dot you 3 times. You turn around and see me. You die. Most other fights are non existent since there is little to no diversity with the classes.
My best advice is to play with a group of friends or find a guild that plays consistently. I sound bitter while posting this, but it is indeed fun. It held my attention for a good 2 months. If you come from WOW it might be worth it just for the free month you get.
From what I've seen in WAR (yes I got it ) is that anything that gives you an unfair advantage, such as radar or completely automatic macros are illegal and will get your account/e-mail perma banned. Also, 90% will have keyloggers.
Although, there are certain types of add ons (such as MiracleGrow from Curse) that are not technically allowed, but wont get your account banned for using them. These types of macros only simplify things so you dont get tendonitis
....And to reply to all the posts criticizing/praising WAR. It has alot of potential and in all honesty, if you dont like WoW; you prob wont like WAR. From what i've seen, WAR is WoW with more options...
Like...you know how cool it is to have an AoE tank with 3500 health in RvR??!!
Then again, if you dont like to grind early on in your career then WAR isn't for you. The "grinding" for WoW starts at about 50-60. The "grinding" for WAR is more like 10-25.
Personally I like it and would give it a 9/10.
What server did you roll on Mr. T? perhaps a friend is what I need to get me back into it.
Dark Crag is my main sever (got 4 destruction characters) but I've played around on Vortex with some order characters
Kuuznor is my main on Dark Crag. Send me a mail sometime and we'll do some killing