Epic planning
It's time to put out the call for help! 
I need to start getting everyone together to work on this year's LAN gathering in Michigan. Some things I need specific help with managing:
Please be sure you're ready to spend some time on one or more of these things before and during the event. It's far worse to volunteer and then not follow through than to simply attend.
Let me know if you want to get involved, and in what capacity. :cheers3:

I need to start getting everyone together to work on this year's LAN gathering in Michigan. Some things I need specific help with managing:
- Power
- Network
- Game servers
- Game tournaments
- Non-game events
- Security
- Swag wranglers
Please be sure you're ready to spend some time on one or more of these things before and during the event. It's far worse to volunteer and then not follow through than to simply attend.

Let me know if you want to get involved, and in what capacity. :cheers3:
I'm also willing to help with/help plan security if we're in a venue without its own measures, and I'd like to help plan the Chinese auction, if assistance is needed. (I was thinking of making the ticket boxes (I have some cool ideas), since that was the failure last year, unless plans for the boxes have already been made).
Will help with anything else as requested.
I would be willing to investigate how to set up dedicated servers for games (especially non-valve if we play any)
As for the dedicated servers and running them... we need to list the games as soon as possible so people can figure out how to run the servers. Remember, server guys get all the crap if things don't run the way 100% of the people expect.
I got games and tourneys if Magic can't do it. I can also help out with the dedicated servers if it comes down to it.
HAHAHA I remember me and Prime had to bounce that guy - only have him to finally walk away - in the opposite direction of his house. :bigggrin:
Shit, that night was great/
But, I'm not 100% sure I'll be there. But it's looking good. But this time
no rocket fuel not much more than an laptop I would be flying this time.
If I bring anything strange I may get EggRoll
old to have that happening to me.;D