<Icrontic> Guild Info

Welcome to the Icrontic Guild
We are on Tortheldrin, for the Horde
Please whisper Kaitolainen for an invite.
We are on Tortheldrin, for the Horde
Please whisper Kaitolainen for an invite.
I just can't seem to get them to understand the concept of limited bandwidth.
His in-game name is Nevex. His real name is Seth. He plays late nights EST. Say hi if you see him
I 2nd this recommendation!! I am exactly in the same situation.
Otherwise I fly solo, beotches
The game would be incredibly boring if I played solo.
it is
but either everyone is 10 levels below me or 10+ levels above me except piggy and kyle.
Just ask for help on quests man, Prime took a whole evening one night to just help me do some quests one night. I'd have no problem doing the same - hell, we could make it an event! Level the fatcat army!
At the very least we make things enjoyable. Selling snapvine watermelons for gold, getting mounts in odd positions, threatening mass suicide in thunder bluff if people don't meet our demands for gold, running instances 7-9 levels above us and restarting 4 times because we die and then have to deal with the repops and get tired and bored and annoyed with the whole thing anyway and then make it to the final boss and get our asses handed to us and give up and say we'll run it again some other time...
...I mean at the very least we'll provide some entertainment on teamspeak during the grinding quests.
i don't need help on quests, i can handle them quite fine as a paladin. i just figured it would be 5-10 of us in a group each night playing together. which for the level 30-35's it is. But by the time I'm that level they will be 45.
got it? good. now i must go use an anvil to build up blacksmithing...
We can help you level faster. We've played with a group of level ranges 22-34 before. Stop being stubborn.
Got it? Good. Now I have to go make some food so I can listen to you complain more.