Youtube is going down the pan :(
England, East Sussex, Hove Member
To me it seems like Youtube is getting worse, all this copyrighting crap, disabling audio, wierd interfaces, videos wont upload...
It seems that Youtube just isnt the Youtube I used to know
It seems that Youtube just isnt the Youtube I used to know
Or spend our days sitting in front of them typing typing typing ......
' sorry, OT ... Youtube has pretty much gone down hill for the last year at least... but if you look at what they have to offer now adays, it's pretty pathetic. I remember a lampoon done by The Onion where they said YouTube was holding a contest for a video that was actually good... so far no one has won it...
Hulu, I crown thee.
You are my new master.
Youtube was the the central, main one.
Had BZILLIONS of users, was fast and ok quality.
I wonder what will be next?
Note to teens: We don't want to see 99% of the stuff you record on your cell phone camera! It sucks!
lol, i see what u did there.