No internet?

TrevTrev California
edited February 2009 in Internet & Media
I have a laptop running vista.
every day I go home and connect the ethernet cable to my computer and in about 5 seconds i am connected to the internet.
well today when i went home and plugged the cable in i couldnt connect. I only had local access. I tried using windows repair tool which of course did nothing. I unplugged the box waited ten minutes, then plugged it back in. still nothing.

Thing is, i plugged it into my desktop and the internet connected right away. It uses XP... Im really beginning to hate vista.

Any ideas?


  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited February 2009
    Does your laptop have a wire-Ethernet selector switch? I have a Toshiba with a very small, almost unnoticable switch that can easily be moved to the wireless position by mistake when handling the laptop.
  • TrevTrev California
    edited February 2009
    No it does not. it does have a wireless switch which i have tried turning on and off. The ethernet connects to the network but it only gives me local access not internet. I dont know how to get it back to local and internet.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited February 2009
    Reboot the router yet?
  • TrevTrev California
    edited February 2009
    Im not sure how to do that. I did unplug it for 10 minutes then plugged it back in, if you call that rebooting. But i think the problem is my computer, not the router because it still works on my desktop
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