Mt_Goat wrote: Who can swing by and pick me up?
RyderOCZ wrote: I gotcha covered Larry. Be at the airport, 5:30am on the 25th. OCZ jet will pick you up.
Lincoln wrote: Don't you tease me. I was about to light the grill.
Mt_Goat wrote: If you did that I would get you your own private stash of fine Alaskan beer! What do ya like? Amber? Porter? Hefferwisen? You name it!!!
Kwitko wrote: Still looking for a ride from O'Hare airport. Snark? Cambrose? TT?
Kwitko wrote: JetBlue doesn't fly to Detroit. I know I'm a product of the US school system, but I am fully aware that Chicago is further away from NY than Detroit.
Flight sale to Grand Rapids...
If you did that I would get you your own private stash of fine Alaskan beer! What do ya like? Amber? Porter? Hefferwisen? You name it!!!
Matt, if Ryder sends the jet I'll bring Moose steaks too!
Seth, if you want a ride from me, you better be flying in early. I'm probably heading out there Saturday.
Edit: Don't get me wrong, it would be friggin' awesome to escort you from Chi-town. Just get some extra days off and come in early.
I've got you.