Muiltiple tower set-up
Gladbrook, IA Icrontian
Any imput on setting up a "folding farm"? as of right now i don't have the towers even, but i may have access to several soon, i like the romote client idea, never used it but i have heard of them. and the other question is would it even be possable to link all the cpu's together and run a single client, versus running muiltiple clients on individual towers. the computers i'll be getting probably aren't nothing special, seeing as how they are old school computers. the other issue i may run into is the uploading of data, i'm expressly forbidden to use bit.torrent programs, is the data trransfer anything like those with the folding clients?
For machines that will be doing nothing other than SMP or even the single core CPU client, I highly recommend running under Linux. The Linux client is nearly twice as productive as the Windows client.
Warning: Folding farms are addictive! I've recently torn mine down as the power consumption was getting out of control.