Hey, peeps, you are more creative than me! If you have cool ideas shout em out! I just figured since the challenge didnt have any more ideas on hand and I want to keep taking pics, I will put my topics out there. Im sure people would much rather shoot pics for YOUR themes though! Maybe prime can mix these suggestions into some new ideas that come out.
oh i didnt even see that! Im still working my way around the website. If people think it's been done, then that's fine. It might be cool to do with whatever creative freedom you want! And plus I want to be a rockstar and thus I need a sweet album cover. The music will come to me later, im not worried about it
Ok, I'm a little lost. Is this the list and where we post pics, or is that somewhere else? You know I'm in!
Ideas for the challenge subjects are posted here. The actual challenge subject for each day/week/whatever will have its own discussion and results thread.
Suggestion: distortions of scale. An oversized something or a miniature something (preferably with something else in frame that gives an idea of actual scale).
The calendar is still live - shall I make this due by next Sunday, the 24th?
Sounds good to me. I'm not sure how I'd be able to do distortions of scale, but I'm willing to take a whack at it.
Hmm, after looking it up, I'm not sure I can do this. I only have a stock 18-55mm lens on my D40. Seems to be a trick of a wide-angle or telephoto lens used in the opposite fashion for which they're meant?
I didn't mean photography tricks, I meant something like an oversized hat on a tiny head, or a miniature chess board being played by a human hand. Just a juxtaposition of something large versus something small, where one of them is abnormally so. That's what I intended to mean for "distortion."
So subject is suggested for the week, each person submits one photo by the end of the week to another thread? Everyone goes WHEE and the process is repeated? Do we allow 'shopping, images to be taken before that week, multiple submissions?
The previous guidelines were that the photo must be explicitly taken for that day's (now week's) subject (so no previously-taken images), one official submission per person goes in a subject-specific thread, and other images could either be thrown in a different post (same thread) or a different thread for discussion on the other options. Some 'shopping is fine, though the intention is for photography more than digital art.
We schedule topics out in advance, so just leave suggestions here and we'll put them on the calendar.
Hmm I'm in a photography course so this might help me get down with taking pictures and practice. Actually looking at the time stamps of this thread I should start by asking if this is still taking place or If I'm tardy to the party...
I'm thinking two-photos-a-week is a good pace. Gives people a little time to plan and compose, and might prevent a quick burnout like we ended up with last time. If people agree, I'll modify the challenge officially.
Hey, peeps, you are more creative than me! If you have cool ideas shout em out! I just figured since the challenge didnt have any more ideas on hand and I want to keep taking pics, I will put my topics out there. Im sure people would much rather shoot pics for YOUR themes though! Maybe prime can mix these suggestions into some new ideas that come out.
There you are!!
You are a rockstar. Bigger than the Jonas Brothers. Make your debut CD cover.
Suggestion: distortions of scale. An oversized something or a miniature something (preferably with something else in frame that gives an idea of actual scale).
The calendar is still live - shall I make this due by next Sunday, the 24th?
Hmm, after looking it up, I'm not sure I can do this. I only have a stock 18-55mm lens on my D40. Seems to be a trick of a wide-angle or telephoto lens used in the opposite fashion for which they're meant?
If you've any tips on how to do it with a stock lens, I'm all ears!
Now, need to figure out how. Hmmmm...
We schedule topics out in advance, so just leave suggestions here and we'll put them on the calendar.
As for topics:
* close-up (macro-type) shots
* portraits
* flowers
* colors (pick any)
* shapes (pick any)
* shadows
* bokeh
* night shots
* animals
* black & white
* smoke/fog
* city street scenes
* trees
* water
* construction/destruction
* dawn/dusk
* balloons
* toys
* graveyards
* landmarks
* metal
* reflections
* vases/glasses/bottles
* food
* textures
* weather
That's all I've got for now.
Do what you guys want, of course, but I'd probably only participate bi-weekly, like on Mondays and Fridays or something.