What is hot ?
As in, what 24/7 full load temp are you guys comfortable with? At what temp does it start affecting the life of the CPU. I think I am OK. I am running a P4 at stock speeds of 3.0ghz With a 947-U that has a 6000 rpm fan throttled back to about 4500. Idle temps are 28c and full load temps are 42c. I run 2 clients 24/7 so it is always at 42c. Is that too hot for constant duty? There are a couple of mods I have been considering..One is too shield the video card. The CPU fan is sucking all the hot air off of it and blowing it through the CPU. the other is, make a standoff or shroud for the CPU fan to try and eliminate the "deadzone" in the middle of the fan.
So what are some "Good" target temps? for both P4 and AMD. I have a buddy who is just getting his new AMD system up and running and would be interested in temps for that too.
Thanks guys !
So what are some "Good" target temps? for both P4 and AMD. I have a buddy who is just getting his new AMD system up and running and would be interested in temps for that too.
Thanks guys !
<55*C max., preferably <50
What temp does it start damaging the CPU? It depends on the CPU. Mobile CPUs can do >100*C without a problem. However, as a blanket statement, anything over 60*C is too hot.
So running at a constant 42c on my p4 should be fine ..I am going to do the cooling mods anyway to see if I can reduce some of the fan speeds ( read noise levels )
Does the 9800 AIW pro have embeded temp sensors ? If so, what can I monitor it with ?
I am using the Coolermaster Aerogate2 as a fan controler, it has 4 thermalcouple leads. I have one of them affixed to the heatsink of the GPU right next to the core. It is running hotter than my CPU it is at 48c sitting at the desktop with no apps running.
Anyhow, ATi and nVidia both allow their GPUs to run insanely hot. If I were you, I'd do something like this:
On newer CPUs that measure internally you can run hotter. It is actually the same temp, you are just measuring differently.
Well i don't see how anyone could have missunderstood the title since it was posted in the cooling forum. Then again if it had been posted in the pub then it would have been a different story. But we already have a thread on that subject in the pub. But all threads end up in the hot