Big Problems!!!!!
CRAP!!!! Just recieved this old Compaq Presario 4712, worked upon arival, put in a modem (this was a rather agonizing experience), and fixed a broken button on the face plate. To do this, about half of the machine had to come apart (thank god for ATX!!!). I have reassembled it and now... The power supply gives signal to the new cd burner I put in, the hard drive gets signal (this little light comes on on it), the fan on the power supply runs fine (after I cleaned about 18 pounds of dust out of it, it seems that the hard drive (2GB!!!....I know, I know....) even though it is getting signal, isn't booting. Everything else seems to be going right, I suppose. What should I do?!?!?!?!?

:banghead: :bawling: 

What jumper setting do you have the new drive at, ie, Master, Slave, Cable Select, and what position is it in on the IDE cable?
Are you able to get into the bios to configure the new setup?
**EDIT** FIRST THING!! disconnect EVERYTHING and reconnect it all, and I do mean everything, strip the sucker right bare - even take the memory out.
Most likely its the cable. Its the easiest thing to check for ATM.
Dumb question, but you couldn't by chance have bent a pin on your monitor plug, could you? You could also try unplugging the monitor signal cable and plugging it back in, plus turn the monitor on and off a few times. Does the monitor signal light change from orange to green?
Adding a burner to it shouldn't cause a problem. I had installed my old Compaq with a OEM 110W PSU and it ran with no hiccups.
The old Compaq specs and online help files, most of them, are now found on and you can use the hp problem solver and the specs searcher to search by compaq model name and number on to get the old help files online that seem to have disappeared. This includes boot failure lookups and problem solving with free form word searching. This is especially true of the old Presarios, and the model name was adopted by HP. Compaq name now is used for a server division product set.