Nate_LapT wrote: PICTURES??? Why arnt you here :P
fatcat wrote: Some people on Icrontic have a REAL job and don't live 15 minutes away.
Thrax wrote: "Menusha"
Thrax wrote: LUVU BOBBY.
MAGIC wrote: And fusions are governed at 115 (sadface)
RyderOCZ wrote: Impalas are not
QCH wrote: WOW... awesome party. Why so many blurred shots?
Some people on Icrontic have a REAL job and don't live 15 minutes away.
Oh! Oh! Like me! That institutes working every weekend and on all holidays, yes?
What the heck?
I don't even know what I was trying to say there. Seriously. I'm completely confused by that.
yes... yes, I'm very well aware that that little joke was a complete fail.
That's not what you said on the webcam....
(Actually it was what I said)
And fusions are governed at 115 (sadface)
probably 130
Okay there is the link, sorry about the delay, got sucked into Aion Open Beta
I'm pretty sure the photographer was drinking....