Tracking down duplicate IP
On a network I've run for about a month now. It's a mess. One of my problems is that every now and then I get a duplicate IP error on my laptop. Event viewer gives me a MAC address, and the first three octets tell me the card was made my Apple. The MAC doesn't show up in DHCP tables so I assume someone has plugged in a static IP inside the scope.
How do you guys track down a duplicate IP in this situation? Oh, it's about 50 devices in a small 3 story building so I'm not inclined to run to every computer.
How do you guys track down a duplicate IP in this situation? Oh, it's about 50 devices in a small 3 story building so I'm not inclined to run to every computer.
Also in the back of my mind is that this network is run by a Comcast SMC8014 cable modem/router. I Googled that and there are lots and lots of posts with frustrations with that thing. Could it be some old lease that's still stuck in the router? I'm not sure how that error gets generated.