too many error

edited October 2009 in Science & Tech
Hello i am have big problems with my dell xps 400 it started out with a virus call antivirus pro2010 then it went down hill from there after i thought i had clean up the virus the next day it was back then my computer crush with errors the first error i got was windows could not start because of a missing or currupt file ( hal.dll) then i tryed to do a recover using xp cd then the black screen comes up saying C:\> so at this point i dont were to go should it say C:\>window? ok but it dont, now i dont want to lose my pictures most of all,:confused: now im lost so i try to do a reinstall but now i errow saying windows has detected page_fault _in_nonepage_page_area then i got another error saying windows could not install hard drive saying that setup could find a hard drive can someone help me im stuck :shakehead :sad2:by the way i can not boot up to windows when i turn on my computer it say windows could not start because of that hal.dll file and want me to reinstall it


  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited October 2009
    Hmmmm....having a hard time making sense of all that. But my bottom line is that if your computer is still giving you a hal.dll error, it is finding a hard drive. You only get that after it finds a system disk but can't find the files it needs.

    I would guess your data is still there. The good fix for the hal.dll error is Thrax's article here.
  • edited October 2009
    can you make sense of this when im on the black screen it dont say (c:\windows) it just say (c:\)......were did the word windows go?
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited October 2009
    I'm not sure when it says c:\, and depending on the situation that just means you are at the root of your c: drive. Again, I'd run Thrax's article here.
  • edited October 2009
    ok here is were iam at i booted from windows disk and got the the windows set up blue screen i select ( R) then i got to the black screen it says microsoft windows xp recovery console.this is what i'm seeing on the screen ( the recovery console provides system repair and recovery funcitionality.)
    (Typed exit to quit the recovery console and restart the computer.)
    (c:\>)...... now following the steps in the article it say press (1) then enter so i did the message i get is ( the command is not recognized Type HELP for a list of supported commands.)
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited October 2009
    Est you gotta follow Thrax's steps in the article. The black screen was just telling you to type EXIT if you want to get out. You didn't want to get out, you were just about to start. You're going to do the whole thing in the black screen. When you get to C:\Windows in the black screen, then you type 1, then it will ask you for the administrative password, then just keep following the directions in the article.
  • edited October 2009
    yes i know that i did not exit out , i was just telling you what was on the screen....what i did do was typed 1 then hit enter, the message i got after hitting enter was the command is not recognized type HELP for a list of supported commands
  • mtroxmtrox Minnesota
    edited October 2009
    Then you just need to wipe it out and start over. First pull all your pictures off. Get one of turns your hard drive into a big flash drive.

    Then go through the same steps you have, but instead of going to the recovery console, you want to install windows. Now that your data is off, you'll want to delete the partition Windows is on, then reformat.
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