Finally bought new RAM
I've been half-seriously considering replacing the generic DDR400 in my NF7-S with something better for a while (the stuff that's in there now does 200MHz @ CL 2.5 & 2.8v; it'll do 218MHz @ 2.9v, but with the worst possible timings), and Newegg had a deal that was too good to pass up...
So, I ordered 1GB (2x512MB "matched pair" ) of Mushkin PC3500 Level II. The price? $205.
Yeah, it's refurbished, but it's also from Newegg, and computer parts are like cars- you pay a lot of extra $$ just so you can be the first one to use it. Not worth it, IMO.
So, I ordered 1GB (2x512MB "matched pair" ) of Mushkin PC3500 Level II. The price? $205.
Yeah, it's refurbished, but it's also from Newegg, and computer parts are like cars- you pay a lot of extra $$ just so you can be the first one to use it. Not worth it, IMO.
That isn't too bad.
Sounds like a couple of mediocre LL modules mtgoat.
EDIT: 221 at 2.0-3-3-11 at 2.8V.
It failed Prime95 so I had to loosen the timings.
*cough* who told you about it? *cough*
I should point out that Croc told me about this, tho.
And I, in turn, will point out that AL CAPOWN told me about it. :P