The Zombie Survival Thread
As undeath is my personal obsession and has been prevelent in my mind since the viewing of ZombieLand, (in b4 Alucard Legg) I'm curious what the common Icrontian's choices would be during a zombie holocaust.
Melee Weapon of choice:
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Fortress of choice:
Solo or grouped, and why:
Long-term survival plan:
Lets do this! Oh, I forgot to mention - Fast Zombies, I refuse to believe that any country with an organized military could be overtaken by shamblers.
As undeath is my personal obsession and has been prevelent in my mind since the viewing of ZombieLand, (in b4 Alucard Legg) I'm curious what the common Icrontian's choices would be during a zombie holocaust.
Melee Weapon of choice:
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Fortress of choice:
Solo or grouped, and why:
Long-term survival plan:
Lets do this! Oh, I forgot to mention - Fast Zombies, I refuse to believe that any country with an organized military could be overtaken by shamblers.
Ranged Weapon of choice: Nothing specific. Prob ably a handgun since it is easy to carry and use close up. Something that uses an easy to find ammunition caliber as well.
Fortress of choice: Depends on the type of zombie. For your standard Romero zombie I'd go with anything on a 2nd story with as few stairways as possible (as narrow as possible too). My current apartment would probably work well for this as it's over top of a block of stores, only 2 entry points, narrow hallways would be easy to block. Back stairway would be easily destroyed.
Solo or grouped, and why: Grouped obviously. Always gotta have someone to watch your back. Sleep in shifts. Etc.
Long-term survival plan: Hit up then hole up. Once society breaks down sufficiently, fight your way to the closest store with the largest vehicle available. Fill it up with as much canned goods, ammunition, camping goods and other supplies as possible. Grab a couple ladders as well. Get everything back to the fortress and destroy the staircases. Wait it out. Use ladders to go in and out only if absolutely necessary. If it becomes clear you can't out wait the zombies, start picking them off from safety as much as possible.
Oh... and come to terms with my own mortality because there's no way I'd survive a zombie apocalypse. Seriously. I look like a huge roast hog to zombies.
Melee Weapon of choice: Crowbar
Ranged Weapon of choice: Handgun of some sort. Something light, and has lots of bullets... (Like I know anything about guns...)
Fortress of choice: Deserted Prison (providing it is absolutly deserted or I have to pick off the few stragelers with above stated handgun)
Solo or grouped, and why: Solo if I have my choice... If forced in a group... people will be used as bait if it gets too hairy... sorry Zen and Thrax
Long-term survival plan: Give me the UP! Plenty of hunting and fishing if I need...fairly deserted to begin with... Hell there are even islands.... lots of freshwater. I could learn to clean a kill... maybe... (Blech!)
Do fast zombies also swim???
Melee Weapon of choice: Waffling between a crowbar and a hatchet. While you can apply a lot more blunt force with a crowbar, the all-metal nature makes it more likely to break your own hand if you swing hard and hit something more solid than flesh. A hatchet, while not being able to deliver the same amount of brute force per-swing, has the added benefit of a weighted slicing edge which would allow for quick detachment of undead brain-stems from their rotting hosts.
Ranged Weapon of choice: Again, waffling between 2 choices. 12ga semi-auto shotgun or small-caliber scoped rifle (.22 or even .17). While the 12ga has the obvious stopping and destructive power, it's size and the size of its ammo can be serious hinderances. A 12ga shell doesn't weigh that much, but it takes up a lot of space. A small-caliber rifle is both portable, and easy to carry massive amounts of ammo. But the stopping/head-exploding power just really isn't there. Though, I suppose you could get hydro-shock or ballistic ammo to increase your stopping/destructive power with the small caliber. Plus, since you can carry a lot of it, there's not as much need for conserving ammo, making it easier for the double-tap.
Fortress of choice: Manhattan mansion. Giant oak doors, stone construction, small and high-up first-floor windows. Little mini fortresses in an urban landscape. Plus, having multiple levels of underground transportation would make escape easy.
Solo or grouped, and why: Gotta have a group. You can't stay awake forever, and you don't have eyes in the back of your head.
Long-term survival plan: Head north. Lower-population and food on the hoof make it easier for non-undead survival. Harsh winter conditions make it much less likely that even fast zombies could last past Christmas.
Ranged Weapon of choice: BFG 9000.
Fortress of choice: The USS Gerald R. Ford. While on board, the Shishkebab and the BFG can be stowed in favor of deck-mounted rail-guns.
Solo or grouped, and why: Group. Need a crew to man the Ford.
Long-term survival plan:After all the fuel and plasma run out, We can still use the Ford as a floating fortress, and use smaller boats to venture onto land for supplies.
Ranged Weapon of choice: AR-15, uses the same ammo that the military M-16 does. Good close and ranged weapon. With a couple of these a person is set for any standard zombie horde. Easy to shoot all day and easy to teach people how to shoot them. Plus they are snuggly.
Fortress of choice: A farm house with hay barn, must have its own well and septic system. Pref fences with razor wire, barb wire will do.
Solo or grouped, and why: Could do this alone. I would first get to my father and hook up with him at the house as he is prepping all the supplies, have to take mom if she can keep up...but other wise. Would only take people in that have something to offer in amount: food, gas, munitions, hot womenz, WATER. I am in it to win it so if you have a massive horde behind you I am hiding out or not letting you in, they will kill you and slowly disperse.
Long-term survival plan: First off the important thing is to get geared up. So when the weird stuff starts to happen use the credit cards to max buying ceral, canned food, dog food(hey it keeps), salt(curing meat), knives, backpacking gear, clothing, shovel, 2 cars, gas cans, MREs, eye protection(zombie blood duh, it burns), gas stoves and prop tanks, US road maps, anything that seems useful. Head out of town on FM and county roads going North West. Skirt small towns picking up whatever is left in safe looking small stores on my way to Wyoming(least populated state) or Montana. Ideally the high planes that are the edge of the badlands in south east Wyoming; open, flat, lots of farmers, hard to have people sneak up on you, just a few hours away from steep mountains. If needed you could load up a pack for a few days and hike into the bad lands and live off the deer, mountain lions, and antelope there; small ponds are present. Ideally I would keep about 2/3 of my supplies in a farm house and the other 3rd in the hay barn in a lock box with a backpack that had enough food and water for a week I carried with me at all times. If I have to go to Montana and a well located house can not be found so something has to be built I would leave the cars some place and hike a day into the woods, after removing the cars batteries and burring them in the ground so the cars can't be stolen. Then after the first shelter is built with storage slowly go back and forth moving all my gear and create supply depots with jerked meat and water on the surrounding mountains so I can evac for short periods of time without being overly concerned with rationing supplies, if zombies randomly show up.
That is about it.
Thats part of the reason for the choice but also because I have almost everything needed to rebuild and service it. Oh shes' like that old GF that never moved away and will always come over on a lonely night to just feels right and good.
Probably a really solid light sword, maybe a katana. Wouldn't mind a solid metal bat too since it's light.
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Shotgun, I'd say a hunting rifle but I'm not a great shot so I'll let someone else cover that end.
Fortress of choice:
Tough one, but I like CB's idea for a military boat a lot. I'd want something not too big that we couldn't cover all sides when zombies or undead dolphins attack, needs to be large enough to hold plenty of fuel, ammo and food though. Really high decks would be a plus. I'm not sure rail guns would be the most effective weapon against hoards of zombies but some mounted machine guns sound good. I would imagine there would be hostile enemy humans with the same idea and malicious intent out there too so maybe those rail guns would be good to take out other ships. Wouldn't be apposed to a lose fleet of friendly ships though, as long as ships get close to each other only when absolutely necessary and everyone knows to bolt at the first sign of infection.
Solo or grouped, and why:
Grouped, need a crew.
Long-term survival plan:
Well, the hard part about the floating fortress would be getting there from CO, so heading out to one of the coasts and then finding an available boat would be the difficult thing. I'd be long dead before that miracle happened so plan might need to be re-thinked until then. My first move would be to get out of the city and head north to Wyoming where there's a lot less population. From there I'd probably head west and shoot for someplace west of San Francisco and south of Portland to find a boat.
Cutquik TS800:
Because awesome.
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Toss up between Ruger 10/22 (parts/ammunition are common as muck) or decent .22 air rifle (pretty much silent with a half way decent suppressor, can literally carry 1000's of pellets in a jacket pocket and will run for years)
Fortress of choice:
It's in the back of beyond.
Solo or grouped, and why:
Solo unless I benefit.
At the end of the day I'm going to survive, if pairing up with someone makes that easier great but I'm not taking on other mouths to feed unless I stand to gain considerably.
Long-term survival plan:
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So long as the rabbits/pigeons don't turn I'll live fine.
Aluminum Baseball bat and a decent CQB knife. (for the ones that get in to close to swing the bat)
Ranged Weapon of choice:
M4 or AR-15 with a holo scope. The holo scope provides quick aiming (faster than an ACOG) with good accuracy. If I could not have that, I would take a Glock 18. They are light, fairly small, and fast.
Fortress of choice:
My house,
I am obviously very familiar with it. I know all the ways in, and where all the windows are.
Solo or grouped, and why:
Hopefully I would have some of my family with me....
We all shoot (we hunt), Put four of us back to back..... and we are a solid team.
have fun killin' zombies, count me out.
Thats a good question....
Fire from the hip if I have to lol.
Or have a laser attachment also on the gun, as a backup.
I hear they shoot like the m4 but are lighter and more comfortable. And easier maintenance.
Sounds like the perfect zombie killer to me.
Ranged Weapon of choice: M1 Carbine, yes, a WW2 weapon. Semi-auto so I don't spray and pray, pick your shots; easy to clean and maintain. Ammo is abundant and very reliable, clips are 15 rounds each, with banana clips being 30 I think?
Fortress of choice: Oil rig, duh. Zombies can't swim but they can walk underwater and with an oil rig attached only by tethers, I don't think they can climb either. Easy to live off of the ocean if you have the right tackle, small boat with enough fuel for fishing trips; it's like the apocalypse never happened!
Solo or grouped, and why: Grouped, don't see why you wouldn't.
Long-term survival plan: Hang out on the oil rig until the initial ruckus of the apocalypse slows down. Once my fishing supplies runs out and I only have enough gas to get back to land, leave. Best plan of action is to stay on the oil rig indefinitely, probably the best fortress you'll find. IF YOU HAVE TO GO TO LAND: Once I reach land find the nearest bike shop and snag the sweetest bicycle I can find (not noisy so I won't attract attention and minimal tracks for them to follow). From there I'd bike to the nearest armed forces base and find their stash of MRE's (shit never goes bad...ever). Restock on ammo, possibly a HAM radio system and head to the nearest mountain region in my brand new humvee with mounted .50cal and a set of Mattrack snow treads. If possible stay away from heavily populated regions and stay somewhere in the NW, ideally in Montana. Has lots of game and a total population of like 8.
Ranged Weapon of choice: As many copies of Windows Vista as I can find. Disk after disk, I would never tire of throwing Vista at the undead.
Fortress of choice: Zombies are so dumb, why hide? Jump in the fray and get it over with.
Solo or grouped, and why: Solo, please fool.
Long-term survival plan: Blend in with the Zombies by dressing badly, not showering for days and moaning uhhhhhhh,,,, repetitively. They will never see it coming.
I'm going to have to say a Katana, perhaps paired with a wakazashi. You can cut through pretty much anything and look badass doing it.
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Keep it simple with dual pistols. Glocks, Colt .45's, whatever has the most ammo available. Also have to walk around Dirty Harry style will a .357 magnum revolver, which will blow a zombie's head clean off.
Fortress of choice:
I am surprised no one has mentioned this before, the best place to be during the zombie apocalypse is holed up in one of the all girls dormitories with the lovely lady survivors. Mix business with pleasure mirite
Solo or grouped, and why:
Solo, see above.
Long-term survival plan:
Be a super badass killing zombies, saving the ladies, and quoting lines from badass movies. Then probably die from starvation.
Ranged Weapon of choice: The rebar crossbow from HL2. If you're not having fun while trying to survive the zombie apocolypse, why even try?
Fortress of choice: Probably _k_'s farm house unless I can catch up to CB before the USS Gerald R. Ford departs.
Solo or grouped, and why: Saving my family would certainly be a perk.
Long-term survival plan: Kill zombies and makes babies.
Clearly not, they will be in the various kitchens at all times makin' him sammiches.
Once upon a time I would have answered with machete, but I have since been convinced that this choice--though effective--does not offer enough utility. My choice now is a rocker head prybar.
Not only can I get some epic momentum going to crack zombie skulls like grapefruits, it has the obvious perk of being my ticket to ride on any lock-breaking adventure I set out on. It'll also make quick work of any panels, barricades, or glass that comes between me and what I want.
Ranged Weapon of choice:
Any scoped 30.06 rifle will do; Michigan has a large <s>clusterfuck of rednecks</s> hunting community which will make it easy to acquire a rifle and rounds.
Fortress of choice:
Ideally, I would prefer the CN Tower in Toronto. It's elevated, it has controlled access via elevators, no external climbing surfaces, and the vast majority of the Toronto metropolitan region is serviced by nuclear or hydroelectric energy.
The second and last points are the ones most relevant to my interests. The bottlenecked entry points make it very defensible, while a region operating on renewable or nuclear energy would stay powered long after a coal, natural gas or oil plant was depleted through lack of supervising manpower.
Solo or grouped, and why:
Grouped, but only with a small selection of people I could explicitly trust not to panic or go insane.
Long-term survival plan:
Don't get zombified. But seriously, being in the Toronto area would make for some capable fishing if I was willing to make the journey. A metro area would also increase the risk of encountering the infected, but it would also increase my ability to find non-perishables, and I'm willing to make that trade.
Lastly, it's hard to overrun the CN Tower when you can stop the elevators half way up the tower and then climb the elevator shaft to the top. Pretty sure no zombies are going to be springing their way up a blocked elevator shaft like a bunch of super balls.
Edit: Scratch Romero zombie's Zenmode says no to them.