Gaming has always been an interesting part of Icrontic. Hell, the biggest thing to happen to the original IC was the FDLE raid on Mortin's house, all thanks to Counter-Strike and inept server administration. Who knew posting an official mirror of a new CS release could land you in jail?
Not that IC doesn't has teh bawlz today. Today Icrontic have a different set of bawlz. Back then Icrontic's bawlz didn't give a F# and didn't think about consequences and the only obligation it had was to itself.
Today, Icrontic's bawlz are fully grown, a lot more refined, has a mortgage to pay, real responsibilities and a better eye on priorities.
Not that IC doesn't has teh bawlz today. Today Icrontic have a different set of bawlz. Back then Icrontic's bawlz didn't give a F# and didn't think about consequences and the only obligation it had was to itself.
Today, Icrontic's bawlz are fully grown, a lot more refined, has a mortgage to pay, real responsibilities and a better eye on priorities.
Before I dig a deeper hole for myself, :birthday:
The funny thing was, that when we finally got the "real" release, it worked just fine running on a server based on the "leaked" and "not final" copy.
I blame Winfrey for everything. He was the one who goaded me to join the TF2 server and later this community. Somehow the tendrils stuck and when I'm not toiling away at college course work I manage even to write articles for these people.
There is something special about Icrontic, good games, good people, good times.
Butters... that analysis of Icrontic's ballz is incredible.
This thread has put a huge smile on my face as I read through it at work, many of the stories causing me to errupt into laughter.
Man I love this place.
I share a lot of these great memories already mentioned. The TF2 tourney in 08 was absolutely top tier gaming. Beyond intense.
I have to second the awesome experiences had in TF2, and like Bindle said, it is what brought me here, effectively changing my life.
Man. Team Fortress 2 changed my life.
Constructing Cock Goblin at LAN08 with Tiberiuslazarus and Weezer only to get DQ'ed for it being too big 'Like Lynx', as EggRoll yelled.
Both LAN08 and EPIC09 were outstanding, as well as ICSP 09, ICOK09, Winter Blast 09, crap, any time I've been to ICHQ has been memorable.
Eggroll showing me the ropes for using a fightstick to play fighters, which led me to an epic quest to build my own stick and master the ways (still a WIP)
Rock Band at Lan08 with Prime and Shorty (as Shorty sang songs, mic in one hand, scotch in the other)
I loved letting my house become a new halfway point by letting Canti crash, and at another time hosting Fatcat and Lincoln (as well as seeing Fatcat, Snark, and Annes before EXPO09).
ICSP09, learning via a slightly liquored up Jared, that whatever Jackie says, you must times it by bullsh*t
Becoming a tech writer... what can I say. I'm a storyteller who used to think that no one would ever want to listen to him. Icrontic changed that, and gave me an outlet to share my knowledge, and be challeneged anew.
Mind of UPSLynx...
Heck, I HAVE to mention E3. One of the goals of my young life fullfilled, and it was an absolute blast. Playing unreleased games, meeting Doug Lombardi, walking the streets of my love, Los Angeles. Riding around the streets of downtown LA in a frigging limo with Primesuspect. Sitting on the ground outside of a gas station to eat subway with FRESH avacado in it with Primesuspect. Scotty and I texting in the bathroom, Meeting Sledge, watching CB tear up the Fallout 3 expansion while one of the developers chatted it up with us, Rob and Olivia inviting us into their home on the last night and sharing their coffee tequilla with us. E3 is one of the greatest memories of my recent life.
And then there's SIGGRAPH. My favorite week out of each year. This year I went on behalf of media for Icrontic and covered the event. Chris White and I got to interview a buch of high level people, which eventually landed us a FirePro v8750 for the testbench, and that led to many great new opportunities with hardware vendors.
Being the first to review and publish about Shattered Horizon was pretty swank.
and for a non-IC related gaming memory: one of my favorite memories in gaming was the relase of Smash Bros Brawl. My brother, (]UPS[ Hitman), and I used to play the smash games to DEATH growing up. We mastered the first two games, and we would call each other daily to talk about the recently released updates for Brawl in the days preceeding it's release. But these days, he is married and lives 3 hours away, so I knew we wouldn't have times together playing Brawl like we once did. The day the game came out, I decided to visit him. I drove up late at night the day prior to the release and met him at work. After he got off work at midnight, we drove to a store, waited, and bought the game at release. We went to his home, and we played the game until we beat it, going to bed around 6:30am. We had so much fun, and it reminded me of the old days. It's one of my favorite memories.
Ok, I think that's enough for now. you, Icrontic, and long live Orange (LOL BLUE SUX)
Speaking of that, I need to call up and get some more Fuel. Or maybe not. Maybe I should just leave that alone. Though eggie eating the cherries like candy is something I will never forget. Nor will I ever forget this:
My fondest gaming memory was way back when I was 7 and I was at my church "garage" sale. After searching through aisles aisles of things people didn't want I found something of interest. An NES system sitting by itself on the table, no cords, no games, no controllers. I walked out of there $2 dollars poorer, but with the biggest grin a kid could have. Over the next week I had bought all the necessary things needed to play. And my first game? The gold edition of Zelda, shit yeah.
As for my first IC gaming experience, it was just after TF2 was released. I was walking past Winfrey's room and he was sing-speaking while playing. I stood at his door and laughed asking what he was doing. "It's opera night. We have to sing everything." After several weeks of watching Jimmy, Winfrey, and Kevin playing I finally convinced Jimmy to let me play on his computer. I sucked, sucked so much he changed his name to {IC}Someone else. Only one person commented on it. {IC}Winfrey "Well that explains it" One month later I joined in as Koreish.
After several weeks of watching Jimmy, Winfrey, and Kevin playing I finally convinced Jimmy to let me play on his computer. I sucked, sucked so much he changed his name to {IC}Someone else. Only one person commented on it. {IC}Winfrey "Well that explains it".
HAHAHA I remember that now. Man that seems like so long ago now. Have we really been playing tf2 for 2 years?
My fondest memory of IC gaming was when I was introduced to the word "shart" when Prime accidently (was it really accidental?) sharted and announced it to the whole server while playing TF2.
Another great memory was when I was playing TF2 on the IC server when suddenly an earthquake struck. I was still healing someone as I ducked under the table while screaming for my life. I felt my monitor fall on top of the table. People thought I was joking.
Lastly, drunken Rock Opera/Ballad singing during TF2 which ultimately turned the tide of the match and allowed us to "eggroll" the entire team on Dustbowl.
Yes there are tons of memories during the past year of ICG as well the gaming goodness over the past decade. But where are the new memories of The Saboteur Prime-Hammer?
Lynx don't forget you have to take everything Jackie says and multiply it by bullshit
Ah, of course! Fixt!
Eggroll- The earthquake was hilarious. I remember CB also experiencing a tornado while playing, he took shelter and we could hear the sirens through teamspeak. It was pretty funny (well, funny as soon as we realized he was OK).
Opera night, (or any singing nights on TF2) was classic. Man, how do we do it? Singing while playing is hysterical. We should have another soon.
Yes there are tons of memories during the past year of ICG as well the gaming goodness over the past decade. But where are the new memories of The Saboteur Prime-Hammer?
I didn't add them as Prime had already kind-of covered them in the OP, but going with Sledge and the rest of CORE during E3 to visit Pandemic studios was a highlight of my life. The first ever game studio I got to step foot in. I was like a kid in a candy store. And despite it being after-hours and no one was working (so I couldn't explore and see it all in action), I remember walking to the huge window of their 20-something floor office which overlooked the City of Angels illuminated in the dark California night, and looking upon it I realized how fortunate I was. Living the dream.
And then got to play the game before anyone else in the world. Pretty sweet.
And those Pandemic guys are awesome, the are totally passionate about their product. I remember as I played, I crashed my car in a chase sequence and got lost running through Farmland. They saw me, and told me to attack the next cow I came across, so I did, and the cow errupted into an absurd amount of blood and gore. A little treat that the developers were playing around with in the pre-Alpha build we were playing. The room errupted into laughter.
I remember the first time I raided Lord Nagafen in classic EQ. It was an amazing experience, I had never been in a raid prior to that day - but that single event set in motion the craving that would drive me to raid in every EQ expansion, FFXI, and later WoW.
The only sour note of the whole ordeal was a level 53 Barbarian Rogue complaining because he couldn't enter the lair and "help" - dude was still using two steel daggers. This did, however, make the whole scene rather hilarious - as a group of 40 people were in combat with the AoE-breathing, Flame Rain casting Lord Nafagen - all the while this broliath of a rogue is constantly attempting to run into the room and join the battle only to be teleported just outside time after time.
When the dust settled, he asked if he could roll on the cloak...
KwitkoSheriff of Banning (Retired)By the thing near the stuffIcrontian
edited November 2009
I remember when primesuspect came to NY to cover the Nintendo Wii event and ended up having his car towed for blocking a driveway. We went to pick up his car from the impound lot at 2:30 AM.
I remember when primesuspect came to NY to cover the Nintendo Wii event and ended up having his car towed for blocking a driveway. We went to pick up his car from the impound lot at 2:30 AM.
For me there are 4 really distinct gaming and/or Icrontic memories.
I remember the first PC game I got addicted to, LIKE CRACK, was Tribes. That game and all of its modded goodness consumed my life for a while. To this day it was still one of the most fun games I've played.
Secondly, I remember getting addicted to Counter-Strike some where around beta 7. Unfortuantly that was an addiction that was never broken. In 1.1 I started playing "competitively" on a few CAL teams. Had so much fun doing that I made a 4 year run at attending CPL events in Dallas, which at the time were probably the biggest competitive events in the Country other than Quakecon. I remember reading GotFrag 500 times a day. To this day I still read GotFrag occasional and keep up with a few "pro" teams. CS introduced me to the competitive side of gaming and man did I get hooked.
The third thing is playing TF2 with the Icrontic crew.
When TF2 was released I held out on buying the game for a few months. I had just started a new job and figured I getting addicted to another game was the last thing I needed. At the same time I was reading that TF2 didn't have big "competitive / pro" aspect to the game (versus say counter-strike) so I was hesistant.
To make a long story short about September of 08 I got *really* sick with mono. Like on the verge of not being able to function sick. I credit Icrontic and TF2 (literally) with helping get me through this time and not sinking into depression. If I wasn't at work or sleeping I was on my PC in IRC and TF2 - it's all I could do. It make me look on the bright side of things depsite how terrible I felt. I could always count on logging into the server and having Fatcat telling me to go f*ck a cow or other randomness.
Seriously guys, you kept me sane during those long 4-5 months, and I appreciate it.
Lastly, I have fond memories at ICHQ just like everyone else.
The ones that stand out though are my first visit/day at ICHQ, meeting everyone IRL. It was just awesome.
COJ 2008 was something I'll never forget. And drinking a whole damn bottle of Bulliet with Shorty.
While TF2's "singing to victory" is always a highlight in itself, my most enjoyable gaming memory was playing with the WoW crew. I can honestly say I would never have played the game for as long as I did without the half dozen members that logged in night after night with me.
I got to e-meet IC members I had not talked to and develop stronger relationships with those I had. It was during a low point in my life, which made getting away from it with you guys that much sweeter. From laughing hysterically to the point of tears, to hawking fruit and other various pointless wares, to riding BROKEN PNOIES, to xtreme cliff diving, to impersonations of everyone and everything, to baking my Victory Peanut Butter Cookies (TM) when I found out I landed a new job, to ... you get the idea. It was a hell of a time, and something that constantly brings a smile to my face whenever I think about it.
Perhaps the most frustrating thing about it is my inability to find the words to share the feeling of it all.
In any case, I look forward to trying to get that feeling back with all the new games Orange happens to run across. Happy Birthday, Orange!
Man those were some good times. Many times, late at night, I'll sit here and think nostalgically about playing with you guys. We sure did have some fun
I remember getting our SNES. It was a joint gift for my bothers and I, which provided many years of "He's been on it for a hour already... Moooooooommmmm!!!!!" Tons of time playing Mario Paint, and Aladdin. It's where I fell in love with Nintendo, and many video games to come.
My second bit here is about my first raid in WoW. I raided Kara with a terabad all female toon guild... I promptly hated raiding, and if it weren't for Thrax and ZenMode, I would have never craved end game content... Much love boys.
I remember how pure the gaming experience was back in the '90s. Games didn't need lifelike graphics when the concepts were new. Wolfenstein and Doom defined the FPS experience. I fondly remember the first time a pink demon snuck up on me and began to chew my face off. I literally jumped out of my seat.
I also remember the frustration of early multiplayer experiences. For example, trying to play Warcraft with CrazyJoe. Setting my modem up to dial his house, and every time, EVERY TIME, hearing his brother's tinny voice coming from my PC case, "Hello?" and then Joe shouting, "I told you not to pick up the phone!"
It might seem strange to be nostalgic about the interrupted play, but these are things that just don't happen like this any more. The technology grew up alongside us.
Oh gosh playing Red Alert Aftermath with my friend and having to go through the same thing. We both had 2 phone lines so we could talk while stuff was going on but it was always a 10 minute job to get the timing right for connections. Incredible times that some people will never know.
I remember lugging my rig across the neighborhood on my skateboard, so that I could play Doom deathmatch with a buddy over a nul-modem cable that we made ourselves (not from scratch, we started with a regular serial cable). It was my first 'LAN-party'.
Positive gaming memory? Well there are plenty to chose from but for this purpose I will tell you of the epic A&B VS C Battle.
Basically my freshmen year of college UPSLynx and Syamagoose got into a propaganda war over which Tetris music was the best. UPSLynx taking the side of C music and Syamagoose fighting for A&B music. Their shenanigans ranged from incriminating photos and full length smear articles to Syamagoose's computer being hacked so that it would play C music that couldn't be turned off. Innocent bystanders where even dragged into this mire of hate and the names and reputations of both Princess Peach and Victoria Everglot where sullied in this struggle for musical supremacy. In the end a truce had to be called to avoid the complete destruction of a third of the known universe. (actually I don't remember why the truce was called.)
It might seem strange to be nostalgic about the interrupted play, but these are things that just don't happen like this any more. The technology grew up alongside us.
man, I can still hear my mom like it was yesterday! "Bobby, get off the internet, I have to call your grandma!" Single phone lines for the win!
(She still calls the collective PC the 'modem')
Zadok - oooh man, you dare bring out A and B vs. C??? That's a story for the ages, one of the most fun times I had in college. I would plan my attacks weeks in advance, and spend HOURS photoshoping propaganda just to post on his wall.
Lord, I'd love to be able to share all of those.
I won that battle, there was no truce. I faked Syamagoose into thinking he had the upper hand. I ended up blackmailing him with a princess dress with the letter B on it, and spinning a massive web about how he acted as Princess Peach and killed Victoria Everglott, blaming C music for the act and framing the real princess.
He was speechless when I revealed that to him.
Thanks for bringing that up! classic!
By the way, for anyone wondering, "C Type" was the superior tetris music.
Oh one of my favorite gaming memories is definitely playing Warcraft with GHoosdum and CBDroege and getting interrupted by my brothers. It was quite agravating, but we laugh about it now.
Here's a pic of me at my first LAN party. I didn't have my own computer so my friends put this one together before my eyes. Gamed all night on this bad boy and without any crashes either.
Wow. I vaguely remember that! I remember reading the short little article Mortin posted after that happened. Anyone remember this as well? That was when Icrontic had some bawlz.
Not that IC doesn't has teh bawlz today. Today Icrontic have a different set of bawlz. Back then Icrontic's bawlz didn't give a F# and didn't think about consequences and the only obligation it had was to itself.
Today, Icrontic's bawlz are fully grown, a lot more refined, has a mortgage to pay, real responsibilities and a better eye on priorities.
Before I dig a deeper hole for myself, :birthday:
The funny thing was, that when we finally got the "real" release, it worked just fine running on a server based on the "leaked" and "not final" copy.
There is something special about Icrontic, good games, good people, good times.
This thread has put a huge smile on my face as I read through it at work, many of the stories causing me to errupt into laughter.
Man I love this place.
I share a lot of these great memories already mentioned. The TF2 tourney in 08 was absolutely top tier gaming. Beyond intense.
I have to second the awesome experiences had in TF2, and like Bindle said, it is what brought me here, effectively changing my life.
Man. Team Fortress 2 changed my life.
Constructing Cock Goblin at LAN08 with Tiberiuslazarus and Weezer only to get DQ'ed for it being too big 'Like Lynx', as EggRoll yelled.
Both LAN08 and EPIC09 were outstanding, as well as ICSP 09, ICOK09, Winter Blast 09, crap, any time I've been to ICHQ has been memorable.
Eggroll showing me the ropes for using a fightstick to play fighters, which led me to an epic quest to build my own stick and master the ways (still a WIP)
Rock Band at Lan08 with Prime and Shorty (as Shorty sang songs, mic in one hand, scotch in the other)
I loved letting my house become a new halfway point by letting Canti crash, and at another time hosting Fatcat and Lincoln (as well as seeing Fatcat, Snark, and Annes before EXPO09).
ICSP09, learning via a slightly liquored up Jared, that whatever Jackie says, you must times it by bullsh*t
Becoming a tech writer... what can I say. I'm a storyteller who used to think that no one would ever want to listen to him. Icrontic changed that, and gave me an outlet to share my knowledge, and be challeneged anew.
Mind of UPSLynx...
Heck, I HAVE to mention E3. One of the goals of my young life fullfilled, and it was an absolute blast. Playing unreleased games, meeting Doug Lombardi, walking the streets of my love, Los Angeles. Riding around the streets of downtown LA in a frigging limo with Primesuspect. Sitting on the ground outside of a gas station to eat subway with FRESH avacado in it with Primesuspect. Scotty and I texting in the bathroom, Meeting Sledge, watching CB tear up the Fallout 3 expansion while one of the developers chatted it up with us, Rob and Olivia inviting us into their home on the last night and sharing their coffee tequilla with us. E3 is one of the greatest memories of my recent life.
And then there's SIGGRAPH. My favorite week out of each year. This year I went on behalf of media for Icrontic and covered the event. Chris White and I got to interview a buch of high level people, which eventually landed us a FirePro v8750 for the testbench, and that led to many great new opportunities with hardware vendors.
Being the first to review and publish about Shattered Horizon was pretty swank.
and for a non-IC related gaming memory: one of my favorite memories in gaming was the relase of Smash Bros Brawl. My brother, (]UPS[ Hitman), and I used to play the smash games to DEATH growing up. We mastered the first two games, and we would call each other daily to talk about the recently released updates for Brawl in the days preceeding it's release. But these days, he is married and lives 3 hours away, so I knew we wouldn't have times together playing Brawl like we once did. The day the game came out, I decided to visit him. I drove up late at night the day prior to the release and met him at work. After he got off work at midnight, we drove to a store, waited, and bought the game at release. We went to his home, and we played the game until we beat it, going to bed around 6:30am. We had so much fun, and it reminded me of the old days. It's one of my favorite memories.
Ok, I think that's enough for now. you, Icrontic, and long live Orange (LOL BLUE SUX)
I remember my first folidng@home WU was worth 0.6 points
I remember overclocking a Duron 600 to 1.0ghz
I remember getting lost and ending up in Canada with Shorty and Thrax
I remember the ghetto cardboard airduct
I remember the Geforce Ti4200
I remember RyderOCZ sending me memory for my iMac for my birthday
I remember ghetto cooling your laptop
I remember when I was given SM21 for the SMx project
I remember how not to paint your case
I remember jared and Thrax drinking Bud Light Lime
I remember making a New York license plate before I picked up Kwitko at the airport
I remember the fall of Icrontic, the creation of Short-Media
I remember when primesuspect told me he was quitting his day job
I remember Novak duct taped to a telephone pole
I remember my first time to K-brew
I remember getting my first tattoo with jokerz4fun
I remember the first time we went to Red Hot and Blue
I remember the time I introduced Ludo to Icrontic
I remember rocket fuel and cherries
I remember running over a deer on my way to ICHQ at 2am
I remember this:
Speaking of that, I need to call up and get some more Fuel. Or maybe not. Maybe I should just leave that alone. Though eggie eating the cherries like candy is something I will never forget. Nor will I ever forget this:
Chinese Rape Drink
As for my first IC gaming experience, it was just after TF2 was released. I was walking past Winfrey's room and he was sing-speaking while playing. I stood at his door and laughed asking what he was doing. "It's opera night. We have to sing everything." After several weeks of watching Jimmy, Winfrey, and Kevin playing I finally convinced Jimmy to let me play on his computer. I sucked, sucked so much he changed his name to {IC}Someone else. Only one person commented on it. {IC}Winfrey "Well that explains it" One month later I joined in as Koreish.
TL; DR: IC rocks.
HAHAHA I remember that now. Man that seems like so long ago now. Have we really been playing tf2 for 2 years?
Another great memory was when I was playing TF2 on the IC server when suddenly an earthquake struck. I was still healing someone as I ducked under the table while screaming for my life. I felt my monitor fall on top of the table. People thought I was joking.
Lastly, drunken Rock Opera/Ballad singing during TF2 which ultimately turned the tide of the match and allowed us to "eggroll" the entire team on Dustbowl.
Ah, of course! Fixt!
Eggroll- The earthquake was hilarious. I remember CB also experiencing a tornado while playing, he took shelter and we could hear the sirens through teamspeak. It was pretty funny (well, funny as soon as we realized he was OK).
Opera night, (or any singing nights on TF2) was classic. Man, how do we do it? Singing while playing is hysterical. We should have another soon.
I didn't add them as Prime had already kind-of covered them in the OP, but going with Sledge and the rest of CORE during E3 to visit Pandemic studios was a highlight of my life. The first ever game studio I got to step foot in. I was like a kid in a candy store. And despite it being after-hours and no one was working (so I couldn't explore and see it all in action), I remember walking to the huge window of their 20-something floor office which overlooked the City of Angels illuminated in the dark California night, and looking upon it I realized how fortunate I was. Living the dream.
And then got to play the game before anyone else in the world. Pretty sweet.
And those Pandemic guys are awesome, the are totally passionate about their product. I remember as I played, I crashed my car in a chase sequence and got lost running through Farmland. They saw me, and told me to attack the next cow I came across, so I did, and the cow errupted into an absurd amount of blood and gore. A little treat that the developers were playing around with in the pre-Alpha build we were playing. The room errupted into laughter.
The only sour note of the whole ordeal was a level 53 Barbarian Rogue complaining because he couldn't enter the lair and "help" - dude was still using two steel daggers. This did, however, make the whole scene rather hilarious - as a group of 40 people were in combat with the AoE-breathing, Flame Rain casting Lord Nafagen - all the while this broliath of a rogue is constantly attempting to run into the room and join the battle only to be teleported just outside time after time.
When the dust settled, he asked if he could roll on the cloak...
I remember the first PC game I got addicted to, LIKE CRACK, was Tribes. That game and all of its modded goodness consumed my life for a while. To this day it was still one of the most fun games I've played.
Secondly, I remember getting addicted to Counter-Strike some where around beta 7. Unfortuantly that was an addiction that was never broken. In 1.1 I started playing "competitively" on a few CAL teams. Had so much fun doing that I made a 4 year run at attending CPL events in Dallas, which at the time were probably the biggest competitive events in the Country other than Quakecon. I remember reading GotFrag 500 times a day. To this day I still read GotFrag occasional and keep up with a few "pro" teams. CS introduced me to the competitive side of gaming and man did I get hooked.
The third thing is playing TF2 with the Icrontic crew.
When TF2 was released I held out on buying the game for a few months. I had just started a new job and figured I getting addicted to another game was the last thing I needed. At the same time I was reading that TF2 didn't have big "competitive / pro" aspect to the game (versus say counter-strike) so I was hesistant.
To make a long story short about September of 08 I got *really* sick with mono. Like on the verge of not being able to function sick. I credit Icrontic and TF2 (literally) with helping get me through this time and not sinking into depression. If I wasn't at work or sleeping I was on my PC in IRC and TF2 - it's all I could do. It make me look on the bright side of things depsite how terrible I felt. I could always count on logging into the server and having Fatcat telling me to go f*ck a cow or other randomness.
Seriously guys, you kept me sane during those long 4-5 months, and I appreciate it.
Lastly, I have fond memories at ICHQ just like everyone else.
The ones that stand out though are my first visit/day at ICHQ, meeting everyone IRL. It was just awesome.
COJ 2008 was something I'll never forget. And drinking a whole damn bottle of Bulliet with Shorty.
Ah, the memories.
Best time has to be the epic SMLan 04 bombing run match, but there's never a bad night in the Icrontic TF2 server.
I got to e-meet IC members I had not talked to and develop stronger relationships with those I had. It was during a low point in my life, which made getting away from it with you guys that much sweeter. From laughing hysterically to the point of tears, to hawking fruit and other various pointless wares, to riding BROKEN PNOIES, to xtreme cliff diving, to impersonations of everyone and everything, to baking my Victory Peanut Butter Cookies (TM) when I found out I landed a new job, to ... you get the idea. It was a hell of a time, and something that constantly brings a smile to my face whenever I think about it.
Perhaps the most frustrating thing about it is my inability to find the words to share the feeling of it all.
In any case, I look forward to trying to get that feeling back with all the new games Orange happens to run across. Happy Birthday, Orange!
My second bit here is about my first raid in WoW. I raided Kara with a terabad all female toon guild... I promptly hated raiding, and if it weren't for Thrax and ZenMode, I would have never craved end game content... Much love boys.
I also remember the frustration of early multiplayer experiences. For example, trying to play Warcraft with CrazyJoe. Setting my modem up to dial his house, and every time, EVERY TIME, hearing his brother's tinny voice coming from my PC case, "Hello?" and then Joe shouting, "I told you not to pick up the phone!"
It might seem strange to be nostalgic about the interrupted play, but these are things that just don't happen like this any more. The technology grew up alongside us.
Basically my freshmen year of college UPSLynx and Syamagoose got into a propaganda war over which Tetris music was the best. UPSLynx taking the side of C music and Syamagoose fighting for A&B music. Their shenanigans ranged from incriminating photos and full length smear articles to Syamagoose's computer being hacked so that it would play C music that couldn't be turned off. Innocent bystanders where even dragged into this mire of hate and the names and reputations of both Princess Peach and Victoria Everglot where sullied in this struggle for musical supremacy. In the end a truce had to be called to avoid the complete destruction of a third of the known universe. (actually I don't remember why the truce was called.)
*sigh* College Gaming Memories. Good times.
man, I can still hear my mom like it was yesterday! "Bobby, get off the internet, I have to call your grandma!" Single phone lines for the win!
(She still calls the collective PC the 'modem')
Zadok - oooh man, you dare bring out A and B vs. C??? That's a story for the ages, one of the most fun times I had in college. I would plan my attacks weeks in advance, and spend HOURS photoshoping propaganda just to post on his wall.
Lord, I'd love to be able to share all of those.
I won that battle, there was no truce. I faked Syamagoose into thinking he had the upper hand. I ended up blackmailing him with a princess dress with the letter B on it, and spinning a massive web about how he acted as Princess Peach and killed Victoria Everglott, blaming C music for the act and framing the real princess.
He was speechless when I revealed that to him.
Thanks for bringing that up! classic!
By the way, for anyone wondering, "C Type" was the superior tetris music.