My version of the home page does not look quite like that at the top, and there's a message across the top saying I need to upgrade from IE6. What's wrong?
I guess I failed the challenge the first time around. Ok, I'll try again: Great job! You make tech look accessible for people like me. I actually understood everything in this post :-)
Only thing I've noticed is that the centering for the forum nav seems to be declared a little bit differently than the rest, causing it to shift a little bit when the window is wider than the content area of the forum.
Great coverage of the design process. I've LOVED working with the new site over the last few days.
Can't wait for Vanilla, either. I remember you showing me the mock up, and then talking/obsessing about Vanilla when I came over to visit.. post SIGGRAPH I believe. Good times, can't wait to see it's integration
Lincoln, where'd you get the twitter module on the home page from? I might need to do something like that for my company's site some day.
You're using IE6.
It looks and works great. Two opposable thumbs up!
Can't wait for Vanilla, either. I remember you showing me the mock up, and then talking/obsessing about Vanilla when I came over to visit.. post SIGGRAPH I believe. Good times, can't wait to see it's integration