IC Ten-man guild: AKA WoW Boot Camp Project

ZenModeZenMode Royal Oak, Mi Icrontian
edited January 2010 in Gaming
Just curious, as I've heard from a few people that there may be interest in making this happen - how many people would be on board to create a 10 man Icrontic raiding guild? Obviously server/faction are undetermined, though I know a few Icrontians are on Tortheldrin.

Raid schedule is undetermined, but I would imagine 1-2 days maximum per week is relatively reasonable for most people.


  • poofiepoofie Baltimore, MD Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    tempting! but i'm already a huge slacker when it comes to raiding with my own guild... :(
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Icrontic has a guild on Tortheldrin.

    Although most of us are in the Care Bears guild.

    If you are willing to maintain a guild, talk to Ryder, current GL.

    I'm down for some 10-mans, I can bring my unholy godly ret paladin along.
  • pigflipperpigflipper The Forgotten Coast Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    I can haz phat loot?
  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Thinking I'll be in for this, downloading now...
  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Also, I think Tortheldrin is the logical choice at this point with a decent number of IC already there.
  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    A wild pragtastic approaches.
  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    hahaha, IC style welcoming
  • AlidraAlidra Metro Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2009
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    it was good to see all the quitters back tonight...

  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    I hate to say this, but we are a long way from 10-mans :)

    Gear, Gear, Gear.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    RyderOCZ wrote:
    I hate to say this, but we are a long way from 10-mans :)

    Gear, Gear, Gear.

    yea, Ryder said it.

    I would say the minimum for 10 mans would be Heroic ToC gear (219) and preferably at least 226 gear (Tier 8)

    (yes I know there are raids that don't require that level gear, but there really is no point in doing anything lower than Ulduar, ToC, ICC, Ony these days unless you just like achievements)

    Also know that besides Ony, raids last a few hours.

    I know you all were away for awhile, but I'm gonna guess it will be a good 4-6 months before you are ready.

    Ryder's done more raids than me, so he can enlighten you more. But it is all about gear, hence why gear checks are usually done.

    Good place to check your "raid status" would be here http://www.wow-heroes.com/
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    RyderOCZ wrote:
    I hate to say this, but we are a long way from 10-mans :)
    fatcat wrote:
    yea, Ryder said it.
    I don't even play, but after talking to Steve (ZenMode) tonight, I absolutely believe that it's not as far away as you think. After hearing his plans I almost want to play just to be in on this. I'm excited.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Professor Zenmode has spoken. He's got a 3-4 week plan to whip us into 10-man raid condition. It's going to be a WoW bootcamp.

    We talked for EIGHT HOURS tonight; my mind is thoroughly blown. I have just begun to learn how to play for real based on this verbal crash course.

    I feel like I took a college course in WoW.
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Good Luck.
  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Lincoln wrote:
    I don't even play, but after talking to Steve (ZenMode) tonight, I absolutely believe that it's not as far away as you think. After hearing his plans I almost want to play just to be in on this. I'm excited.


    ^5 Zen
  • MiracleManSMiracleManS Chambersburg, PA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    If Lincoln plays, I will reroll and play with him. This is a fact.

    Otherwise I might just bring the paladin back to Tortheldrin.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    If everyone is level 60 or better, it really does only take 3-4 weeks to prepare for 10 mans. Getting your tanks up to the level that's required to engage 10-man Sarth and Naxx is pretty much a breeze to do with a bit of badge gear (especially today's hyper-inflated gear) and some filler pieces from heroics.

    An efficient 5-man can plow 3-4 heroics an hour and if you're not being held back by dead weight healers like Resto Shamans, you'll be in raids in no time.

    Getting 50 people in a 25-man guild from level 70 to 80 and geared to begin and complete 25-mans only takes 2 weeks in active and dedicated guilds. The world's best can do it in 10 days.
  • pragtasticpragtastic Alexandria, VA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    So who plans on playing tonight? I should be in by 7pm.
  • MiracleManSMiracleManS Chambersburg, PA Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    I'll probably play on Nezo tonight...
  • RyderRyder Kalamazoo, Mi Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Thrax wrote:
    If everyone is level 60 or better, it really does only take 3-4 weeks to prepare for 10 mans. Getting your tanks up to the level that's required to engage 10-man Sarth and Naxx is pretty much a breeze to do with a bit of badge gear (especially today's hyper-inflated gear) and some filler pieces from heroics.

    An efficient 5-man can plow 3-4 heroics an hour and if you're not being held back by dead weight healers like Resto Shamans, you'll be in raids in no time.

    Getting 50 people in a 25-man guild from level 70 to 80 and geared to begin and complete 25-mans only takes 2 weeks in active and dedicated guilds. The world's best can do it in 10 days.
    Heroics only drop 200 level gear, save the 3 new ICC instances and Trial of Champion. Running OS10 or Naxx10 in lvl200 gear may be feasible, but very rarely done, people want to see minimum gear levels for this or that. Now with all the same guild, the worst that happen is that we wipe 48 times.
  • lordbeanlordbean Ontario, Canada
    edited December 2009
    Tempting as it is to transfer one of my characters to join in on some Icrontic fun, I discovered early on that I hate world pvp in World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, Tortheldrin is a pvp server.

    Probably not in, unless someone can be REALLY convincing.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    RyderOCZ wrote:
    Heroics only drop 200 level gear, save the 3 new ICC instances and Trial of Champion. Running OS10 or Naxx10 in lvl200 gear may be feasible, but very rarely done, people want to see minimum gear levels for this or that. Now with all the same guild, the worst that happen is that we wipe 48 times.

    It's rarely done because pickup groups are retarded. ilvl 200 items for OS10 or Naxx10 is child's play easy. Anything else is just overkill.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Ill bring my warrior over this weekend. Raid ready, im like 4900gs in my main tank set and 4300 in my DPS.
  • MAGICMAGIC Doot Doot Furniture City, Michigan Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    But you guys are horde too, $30FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  • AlidraAlidra Metro Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    Sigh... just transferred and faction changed... My pally is called Alidra. Add me!!! <3
  • fatcatfatcat Mizzou Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    lordbean wrote:
    Tempting as it is to transfer one of my characters to join in on some Icrontic fun, I discovered early on that I hate world pvp in World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, Tortheldrin is a pvp server.

    Probably not in, unless someone can be REALLY convincing.

    Dude, Tortheldrin is over 80% Horde. The Alliance pussy's don't even have enough players for Wintergrasp. If some 16 year old douche nozzle human paladin kills you somewhere, let us know.


    also, I got a level 70 Death Knight that will roll with you low level bitches if ya need. She pretty much can't die. I'll let ya know when I'm back in Mizzou.

    my toons
  • ZenModeZenMode Royal Oak, Mi Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    So who is "officially" in?

    I need to know, because I'm going to start interviewing each of you soon to set the stage for the beginning of this series.

    Also, gearing is faster, better and easier than its ever been with the new Random Dungeon selection in the Cross-Realm dungeon system. Getting two extra badges and 13 gold per heroic to spend on enchanting/gemming your new gear makes it incredibly efficient.

    I also need to know what days those that are involved at this point can make for our 2 day schedule (or possibly 3 day, if everyone can commit to that), and I'll need to talk with each of you about timing for these interviews.

    In terms of the raid planning, for the purposes of this series, we'll be starting with each raid in order of its place in progression. While we may be able to jump into ICC 10 using the best badge gear available, it is my opinion that we'll provide better education through exposure to the challenges that came before ICC - in addition, this content will provide a significant amount of badges to the group, not to mention incremental upgrades few though they may be.

    The goal is to turn an inexperienced group of new 80's into a competent, effective raid force. Everyone has to be level 80 by January 11th, that gives you just about a month to get there. Those of you that reach 80 prior to that date should begin heroics immediately. I would ask that you take no input from outside sources on which gear to purchase or talent choices to make, and do not run any other 10/25 raid instances with your Icrontic guild characters during any part of this process, unless we have already completed that raid instance as a group.

    So the schedule is as follows:

    December 15th - January 11th
    Hit level 80

    January 11th - February 1st
    Run heroics in order to build a set of the highest level gear available

    Week of February 1st
    Complete Naxxramas 10

    Week of February 8th
    Complete Obsidian Sanctum 10, with two Drakes alive and time allowing Malygos 10

    Week of February 15th
    Complete Malygos 10 if not already completed, Begin working on Ulduar 10

    Week of February 22nd
    Complete Ulduar 10

    Week of March 1st
    Complete Trial of the Crusader 10

    Week of March 8th - ?
    Begin working on Icecrown Citadel 10

    Please let me know as soon as possible what raid times work best for each of you, so that I can construct an effective raid schedule that will allow us to aggressively complete content in accordance with the series schedule detailed above. Also, please post your character's class.

    If things progress faster than expected, we will proceed down the list in order as indicated above.
  • AlidraAlidra Metro Detroit Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    I'm in. Begining in Jan I will have class on Tues-Thurs evenings. Fri - Mon evenings are free for me.
  • lordbeanlordbean Ontario, Canada
    edited December 2009
    Ok, so let's say I was actually considering this. My favorite class to play is easily ret paladin - is there still room for that?

    Other available options are Hunter, Death Knight, and Priest. Of the 3, my preference would be the hunter, and in any case, I'd want to be a damage build - I don't really like to tank or heal.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited December 2009
    BTW: If anyone is considering signing up for this, can you please let Perry (FreshyP) refer you so he can get the Zhevra mount? It doesn't cost you anything extra, and he's been dying to find a new player to refer for like a year now.

    Let me know.
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