What to do About McAfee.
Let me start this question with an admission:
When it comes to computers, or technology in general, I know virtually nothing. I see the term Overclocking fly around this site constantly, and it means nothing to me. Couldn't tell you if my PC was overclocked, underclocked, or even just plain clocked. I do, however, have a clock in the bottom right of the screen, and that's about as much as I know.
On the advice of UPSLynx I have downloaded Avast virus protection for my little computing unit. Since I have Avast, should I get rid of McAfee?
And how?
When it comes to computers, or technology in general, I know virtually nothing. I see the term Overclocking fly around this site constantly, and it means nothing to me. Couldn't tell you if my PC was overclocked, underclocked, or even just plain clocked. I do, however, have a clock in the bottom right of the screen, and that's about as much as I know.
On the advice of UPSLynx I have downloaded Avast virus protection for my little computing unit. Since I have Avast, should I get rid of McAfee?
And how?
Thank you for aiding this tech retard.
And never look back again.
By the way, congrats on having a clock. You're making progress buddy.
beat to the punch by Thrax. Story of my life? You decide.
Yes, I am now clocked. Working on getting two-three more clocks, you know, so I'll have too many. Then I'll be overclocked.
How do you power your clocks? As we all know even if you have seven clocks it may not be enough to run "Some fat, angsty dude who's supposed to be Max Payne (but clearly is not) running around in Non-Noir City."
Presto. Done.
Ahem, (straightens tie) I can field this question, no problem. To run a creative blackhole like non-noir max is quite a task. I'd recommend erecting a field of windmills in conjunction with a solar panel or two. Lack of solar panels may be subsidized by the construction of a water mill or a few good quarter horses attached to a dynamo.
You are welcome.
Ah, that must be why I've seen a decrease in power these past few months! Instead of using solar panels or water mills for subsidizing I have been attempting to drill to the center of the earth and leech energy from it's molten core. As you can imagine it's a huge drain in personal due to all the earthquakes, pockets of compressed gasses, and interdimensional rifts.
You remember Sanderson, the man you sent me last week? Yes? Well his entire team was lost due to a collapse in one of our secondary shafts. When we recovered him in shock and babbling on about "vaulted horrors," "subterranean beings," and "mythic terrors" we had to send him home with pay!
Labour laws and their and their bleeding-heart hazard pay requirements will one day ruin us Mr. Dapper.
By the way, how goes your business empire? I'm beset by all sides in my Drilling-to-the-center-of-the-Earth-business but the riverboat shipping industry is going just splendid!
It is a pity, your news of Sanderson. Though he had the constitution of an ox, and the disposition of a stone it seems his heart lacked devotion at its core. I apologize for his apparent lack of character, and will personally reimburse you whatever funds federal soft-bellies have induced you to pay the worthless sludge.
As per business, I am currently in the midst of two major projects. As you know, my innovation of a fleet of what I like to call go-subs, the single passenger racing subs meant to replace those archaic go-karts at some point in the near future, has not quite caught on. However, a small Russian arms dealer has expressed some interest. He and Sea World are the only contracts in negotiation as of yet, but mark my words: the future is go-subs.
Since we last spoke I have also put into action a project which has been in R&D phases throughout the last two decades. This project being the challenge of designing, constructing, and charging outrageous fees for use of an express elevator to the moon. Initial draftings did not take into account the moon's orbit, thus my R&D team was terminated. With bullets. The new team works well in their stress-free environment and have recently finished a prototype of what I have dubbed as a "moon stabilizer." That's right, Grim! Mankind need never worry about the troublesome phases and movements of the moon again!
Three cheers to the advancement of science, and the human race! I am sending you Sanderson's cousin, Blanderson. The man has nought for a heart, but for the black sludge run-off from his devious mind. He ought to serve you better. How goes the core?
First let me thank you on sending me Blanderson. He is indeed much improved over his cousin, and well worth the coin I pay him. I have need of men with strong arms and malleable morals. Do not worry about the reimbursment my dear man. We tycoons must stick together, that is until you infringe on my industries at which point I will have no choice but to stomp you under. Though, I believe a man of your character would agree with me on this point.
These go-subs of yours sound bloody good! As I'm sure you are aware (I've caught some of your spies old chum) I am currently working on a type of reactor which if finsihed will be able to produce vast amounts of energy through hydrolysis. While my design is to avoid the go-sub business perhaps we may be able to find a mutually beneficiant partnership in this endeavor of yours? Might we meet for brunch later this week to discuss the particulars?
Anyway, the core business is yet going rather dreadful and to be frank the discussion of which only serves to induce sever migrains. Maybe I'll pass and you'll find yourself unimpeded in your sundry enterprises. Ha! Don't count on it you old devil! Much energy still emanates from these clacking bones.
As a dear friend I advise you have your R & D teams give the moon project another once-over. As such it seems you may have troubles siphoning heat away from the elevator without causing irrepairable damage to your rails, or so says my chief engineer. The man is rarely wrong, though a bit troublesome with his constant nattering.
I've recently made a breakthrough with that problem of organics causing damage to my riverboats. You know, the one I mentioned to you at the last dinner party old Cogsworth invited us to. Well, some of my weapons division boys have created a devilish little device which when installed on the riverboats spreads a very nasty, undetectable poisen through the surrounding waters. When this poisen comes into contact with an organic it has the instantaneous effect of causing it to lose it's life. Did I forget to mention the subsuquent dissentegration of said thing into it's atomic building blocks? Huzzah!
Until we meet again, cheerio!
Your admirer, Grimnoc.
Your cold, unfeeling attitude towards the world at large, and especially anything of an organic nature has always been one of your most admirable traits. And you know, of course, that I would never call you a friend if I thought you'd hesitate to crush me even one half-moment longer than I would wait to crush yourself.
I enjoy your proposal of a joint venture regarding the hydrolisis reactor, though I am afraid I would not sleep too well at night if my profits were thus diluted. This being the case, I have been in contact with various memebers of your R&D teams for a number of months, and must say that when they sent me schematics for a working prototype I was skeptical. Skeptical, but certainly not skeptical enough to delay the patent. Each go-sub is equipped with a state-of-the-art hydrolisis reactor the development of which has cost me nil and you all. Cheerio, indeed, old man. I'm beginning to worry about the dulling stone age has put to your blade.
That worry quickly fades, however, as I recall the summer hunt of twenty-aught-five in the kenyan safaris. Don't think me a fool, good sir. Though my spoils were great that season, did you think I would not notice my most prized of shipments strangely missing? I do hope you enjoyed the wealth of freshly-cut ivory, tiger pelts, and the teeth of baby lions stripped of them as they yet howled for reprieve. Those were to decorate my personal study, which is decorated now with the humble delicacies of whale-skin furniture, panda claws and gilt baby seal eyes. It would disturb me to find you've kept that pilfered load dusty in a warehouse someplace.
Speaking of that prat, Cogsworth, I noticed your name in stark absence from the guest list for his upcoming February gala. By god, man, are you insane? Have you no recollection of Cogsworth's past February galas? It is the start of the social season, and to snub that old racketeer from the outset will most certainly land you a less than favorable seat at his April soiree, and perhaps no place at all at Murphy's June fete! Not that I care one way or another, but if you are not there who shall terrorize those peon,d servant-class swine alongside me? (I know you haven't forgotten the trick we plaid on Cogsworth's head man. Quite rude!)
The moon troubles abound around every turn. No sooner is my moon-halting prototype ready, than one of Harry Truman's boys over on capitol hill comes banging down my door demanding access to schematics and a detailed outline of my plans for the operation. So what do I do? Well I'll tell you. I told him he'd put on a good show, tossed him two bits and told him to piss off before I sicked my dogs on him. He hasn't come back, but the blasted g-men are forever on the other line of a ringing phone.
My head engineer has assured me that your troubles with the core business are due to your impending failure. He has been given his walking papers and a swift flight down the moon elevator shaft, if you catch my drift. How your intrigue garners my admiration, sir. I grow ever more conscious of your agents behind each wall, and wonder if either of our letters will ever bear startling news ever again.
Til next time, keep pinching those pennies til the eagle screams.
And for god's sake, join the revelrie at Cogsworth's estate.
You trusted, and humble friend,
Chip Dapper
While many are the times we've wrestled mighty bears on the nights of that prattling coot Cogsworth's fetes, I feel that my time for such endeavors is quite past. Believe me, it is not that my reserves are too far depleted to keep with the merrymaking, but rather that I tire of listening to the droning voices of the insignificants. I am constantly beleaguered by their simpering pleas for "fair" business practice and the like. If their ways were had, an honest businessman could no more make money than fly to the moon, excepting your express elevator is eventually completed of course. What immense amounts of fun we achieved in bygone days by ripping asunder their veils of culture and crusty platitudes does not now repay what is lost by even being in close proximity to their vile presence. This hold especially true for Murphy and his crowd of philistines.
Now, to the matter of my hydrolisis reactor you so successfully managed to poach from beneath my nose. I must shake your hand, as your agents seem to have outwit my own in regards to it's...protection. Unfortunately for you I predict disaster in the very near future for your current run of go-subs. Knowing that you are as always devilish beyond compare, I saw fit to arrange a particular set of flaws in the plans knowing that my own agents were as yet most likely too inept to successfully protect them. These flaws will become readily apparent in time, but by then Dap you'll have no choice but to start anew! However old boy, depression ill suits you and I have not escaped completely unscathed. After all you do indeed have a solid base for a hydrolisis reactor, and founded off my dime no less!
P.S. The lion pelt you managed to secure from that alpha male who bit Burns wears quite well around the shoulders.
Yours always,