I haven't yet, I'm dying to but it hasn't been in the budget. I do know there's a ton of people on my Steam list from IC who've been playing a lot of it.
Wow Snarky, that's a lot of play through, I know I made it two and a half time through the first one. I think I'll probably pick it up for PC before starting ME2 so I have a character the way I want. Did they improve some of the stupid issues like the Mako and long elevator rides? I heard the inventory system is better.
Yes, absolutely play ME1 first - the story relies a lot on the first, and choices you make in the first game have effects in the second.
And Chris, I'm probably doing more than just those... I kind of want a level 60 char in ME1 to import into ME2... and then a level 60 in ME2 so I can import it to ME3 later.
You get bonuses for importing previous characters as well. Definitely worth playing through first.
Hmm, I think I hit 50 on my last play through on the Xbox, wish there was a way to transfer that over. I know I'll also get a bonus for playing the iPhone joke of a game and for picking up the collectors edition of Dragon Age. I've been looking forward to this for so long.
The only thing you get from Dragon Age is Blood Dragon Armor, which I refuse to wear, because it's not significantly better than anything else, and you can't customize it.
You don't gain any significant advantage from playing through ME1 before starting ME2. ME2 lets you create a new character and pick the choices you want for the ME1 ending. Even if you've finished ME1 and import your character over it still lets you (if you want) pick different choices as to how you ended ME1.
I'm not saying that ME1 isn't worth playing, just that doing so won't give you a significant bonus in ME2 in any way.
There is no inventory system per say. It's definitely a new approach.
You're really only limited on "inventory space" when mining planets and getting resources. Other then that, it's grab everything you can and not worry about where to put it....
It starts you 5 levels up, drops 200k in credits on you, and gives you 50k units of all of your minerals and gives you a nice bit of continuity. I remember specific choices I made when I played the original on 360 that they don't give you options to rework.
I still say the story is critical as well - even if you don't think the material bonuses are worth it, the back story is pretty required.
The only thing you get from Dragon Age is Blood Dragon Armor, which I refuse to wear, because it's not significantly better than anything else, and you can't customize it.
And I like to see my character's face.
That's lame that it's not better then anything else, it was great in Dragon Age, I'm surprised.
Game is being a bit too generous, it was more like a comic book with some terrible action puzzle levels between cinematics. It didn't even do anything interesting with the story if I recall correctly. But, it does say somewhere that once you complete it then something will be unlocked for you in ME2.
It starts you 5 levels up, drops 200k in credits on you, and gives you 50k units of all of your minerals and gives you a nice bit of continuity. I remember specific choices I made when I played the original on 360 that they don't give you options to rework.
I still say the story is critical as well - even if you don't think the material bonuses are worth it, the back story is pretty required.
How did you get 50K in minerals? I had nowhere near that. You mean 5K?
And the mining sucks, HARD. It doesn't change that the game is awesome though, totally worth the minor suffering IMO. I'd rather have the mako back. Wow, never thought I'd say that.
I didn't like the mining until the upgrade. It made it go a lot more quickly. I still got bored with it, so I didn't perform a lot of mining and I still finished the game as happy as I could be.
I'm planning another play through soon. My first time through took about 30 hours. Had an absolute blast, and the story just sucked me in. I picked it up for XBox, since I've got a large TV and surround.
I'm about 18 hours in and still really enjoying it. Story is good and the fighting in ME2 feels more intense than I remember it to be in ME1. This is also the only series where playing over-the-shoulder isn't annoying as all hell, but I can't quite place why.
How did you get 50K in minerals? I had nowhere near that. You mean 5K?
And the mining sucks, HARD. It doesn't change that the game is awesome though, totally worth the minor suffering IMO. I'd rather have the mako back. Wow, never thought I'd say that.
Nah, definitely got 50k for importing my first ME2 playthrough - I remember because I could get the med bay upgrade right off the bat. Not sure what we may have done differently.
You have to have both a "rich" character and be level 60 in Mass Effect 1 to get that bonus.
I'd rather have the mako back. Wow, never thought I'd say that.
I hope you're kidding. Mining/probing is so much better than trying to drive that poor excuse for a vehicle around. It gets so much easier with the upgrade too.
There may be a difference between importing a ME1 character and playing through ME2 a second time with your own character. Maybe they give you better bonuses for leveling up your ME2 char.
I hope you're kidding. Mining/probing is so much better than trying to drive that poor excuse for a vehicle around. It gets so much easier with the upgrade too.
I still hate it with the upgrade! Its just a snoozefest. I'd much rather be accomplishing the mission than wasting 10-20 minutes to clear a planet. I don't have much time to devote to the game with racing/work so wasting time clearing planets is not my favorite thing to do.
I'll admit it's boring but you really don't have to mine that much. I went to two different systems mined them for everything and I haven't had to mine again since. I'm almost done and have damn near all the upgrades. Now I just go to a system and find an anomaly.
Played ME2 and loved it. I think my game clock was at 38 hours when I finished my Soldier/Paragon playthrough. I did all the loyalty quests and all of the N7 missions. I'm really looking forward to some substantial DLC coming out for it.
Bioware has already stated that there WILL be substantial DLC for Mass Effect 2. Certainly more than the two packs (one of which sucked) for the original.
I played through the entire game as a Paragon Soldier using an import from ME1 in about 25 hours logged time, about 30 hours total. That was every loyalty mission, all the N7 missions, all the random missions, etc. I don't know how the game is taking some of y'all so long.
Also, I was rather surprised at the lack of challenge on Normal difficulty setting; I only died once in combat, though I had to restart missions several times due to bugs.
Also, I slept with Tali, trying to see what quarians look like under the suit; no luck, didn't show me.
I survived the suicide mission, rescued the crew, but Grunt, Jacob, and Zhaeed died during the assault. I also gave the station to the Illusive Man after destroying the infant Reaper; next play through I am nuking that thing.
Hah, everyone survived in my play through. You make the Illusive Man your bitch if you nuke it. Also if you play as a complete Renegade you have the Illusive Man's eyes by the end, except they're red.
Garrus as fire team leader, Legion to open door, Garrus as fire team leader again, Samara as biotic gaurd, Mordin as an escort for the survivors, and Miranda and Tali in my party. I would imagine that Tali/Legion and Samara/Jack are interchangable as they're both specialists.
I did it differently from yours, Koreish, and everyone survived for me as well. I'm sure you have multiple options. Not sure what else - other than specialty - is included in the variables for their survival.
And Chris, I'm probably doing more than just those... I kind of want a level 60 char in ME1 to import into ME2... and then a level 60 in ME2 so I can import it to ME3 later.
You get bonuses for importing previous characters as well. Definitely worth playing through first.
The only thing you get from Dragon Age is Blood Dragon Armor, which I refuse to wear, because it's not significantly better than anything else, and you can't customize it.
And I like to see my character's face.
I'm not saying that ME1 isn't worth playing, just that doing so won't give you a significant bonus in ME2 in any way.
There is no inventory system per say. It's definitely a new approach.
You're really only limited on "inventory space" when mining planets and getting resources. Other then that, it's grab everything you can and not worry about where to put it....
I still say the story is critical as well - even if you don't think the material bonuses are worth it, the back story is pretty required.
That's lame that it's not better then anything else, it was great in Dragon Age, I'm surprised.
Game is being a bit too generous, it was more like a comic book with some terrible action puzzle levels between cinematics. It didn't even do anything interesting with the story if I recall correctly. But, it does say somewhere that once you complete it then something will be unlocked for you in ME2.
How did you get 50K in minerals? I had nowhere near that. You mean 5K?
And the mining sucks, HARD. It doesn't change that the game is awesome though, totally worth the minor suffering IMO. I'd rather have the mako back. Wow, never thought I'd say that.
I'm planning another play through soon. My first time through took about 30 hours. Had an absolute blast, and the story just sucked me in. I picked it up for XBox, since I've got a large TV and surround.
I hope you're kidding. Mining/probing is so much better than trying to drive that poor excuse for a vehicle around. It gets so much easier with the upgrade too.
That would explain it, I was only level 50 when I imported.
I still hate it with the upgrade! Its just a snoozefest. I'd much rather be accomplishing the mission than wasting 10-20 minutes to clear a planet. I don't have much time to devote to the game with racing/work so wasting time clearing planets is not my favorite thing to do.
Also, I was rather surprised at the lack of challenge on Normal difficulty setting; I only died once in combat, though I had to restart missions several times due to bugs.
Also, I slept with Tali, trying to see what quarians look like under the suit; no luck, didn't show me.
I survived the suicide mission, rescued the crew, but Grunt, Jacob, and Zhaeed died during the assault. I also gave the station to the Illusive Man after destroying the infant Reaper; next play through I am nuking that thing.