Or so you think. It doesn't lock up when purely under CPU load, you actually have to be using the machine and it can happen even after a few hours (of constant use).
yea the abit is rock solid been folding for 2 days. Now my Asus K8V is going back to newegg soon as my MSI K8T Neo arrives monday already have a rma number and everything. Most unstable POS ive ever owned
My MSI NEO based rig is stable as a rock, very very fast and I could not be happier. Solved the freezing, it was a hard drive on its way out. That's gonna be RMA-ed next week... going SATA anyway
Nice to hear that shorty. Looks like we've finaly found a stable combination. Ehm enverex does that mean that your rig is turned of and not working well. Sorry to hear that if tha's the case.
Off course i do
I'm just waiting for your word m8
Like I said, if you are not overclocking ....
The case is sat on its side, and the Athlon64 is sat in its case on top of my MM systems sub.