Promise vs. Highpoint SATA

Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
edited July 2003 in Hardware
Okay, you may have seen some recommendations by Tex & mtgoat over @ Icrontic that I go with a Highpoint 404 instead of a FastTrack 2000 TX4. However, I've decided to go with SATA-RAID instead. So, I'm looking at the Promise FastTrack S150 TX4 and the Highpoint RocketRaid 1540; The 1540 comes with 4 RocketHead PATA -> SATA adapters, which I'll need, and is about the same price as the S150. Does the S150 come with PATA -> SATA adapters as well? I can't find any info on it... Also, the HighPoint uses a PATA controller chip and 4 marvel pata -> sata adapter chips. Is this going to make it slower than the Promise card? I'm going to be running 2 RAID 0 arrays on the card, each one consisting of 2 160GB Maxtor DiamondMax 9 8mb/7200rpm drives...

Anyhow, the pricing info is:
Promise FastTrack S150 TX4- $128, unknown if it comes w/adapters or not


HighPoint RocketRaid 1540 w/4 SATA adapters- $139

or, I could get a regular RocketRaid 404 for $98

Also, the RocketHead 100 adapters are ~ $25 each, and I can get those locally as well. However, if the S150 doesn't come with adapters, it'd cost me $228. For $228 I might as well just get a 3Ware Escalade or something... So, if it doesn't come with the adapters, it's out all together, and it comes down to the 1540 vs. the 404...

The S150 TX4 and the RocketRaid 404 I can go down to the store and get later today. The HighPoint I'd have to wait until probably Wednesday to get (UPS ground from SoCal to NorCal, assuming it ships Monday)


  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited July 2003

    Thats the one i want. Cheapest on PW is $344 right now but this is the serious stuff. 4,8 or 12 channel serial ATA with it´s own cpu and cache memory. Works on 32 bits as well :)
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited July 2003
    The 1540 looks like the ticket (I can't find the link to the review that I'm thinking of).
    But, if you have the stuff the 3ware is in another world. This is a card that you could be using for a long time to come.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited July 2003
    Mackanz & Edcentric;

    I'd love a 3ware card... pero hay un problema... It's really, really, really expensive. And for my uses, I don't think I can justify it... especially since I'd have to add another $100+ for SATA converters...

    The 1540 is looking good though, especially for $140, including an $90 raid card and $100 worth of adapters (they must make a helluva profit off both of those if they're selling 'em bundled for $50 off...)
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