Friend getting harassed over AIM

My sisters bro is getting bugged by some A-Hole over AIM. Its nothing severe, but they are crazy and annoying as hell. I'd like to help him out in some way, i.e. either get em back or figure out if he knows who it is. Is there any way to trace an IP over AIM (Load up my visual trace software and have it somehow trace the AIM connection, don't know if thats even possible, etc) or is there some prog I can run that will find that IP, or a different version of AIM that will pick it up?? Any ideas will help, I'd prefer to exact revenge in some form (report to isp, get him back if its a buddy from school) before blocking the d-bag, or making him change his sn. Any ideas or experiences?? Thanks guys..
If/Once you direct connect to him:
open a command prompt and type either...
netstat -n
netstat -n | find "4443"
(correct me if the port number is wrong, it's been a while)
The second option is better if you have a lot of connections.
Anyway, port 4443 should be involved in any direct connection (not sure on file transfers) so look for his IP there. Then you can visualroute it, nslookup to find domain and tell ISP... whatever.
Yeah, I'd rather have some fun first if possible though
Aim text chat goes through AIM servers first.
Keep sending abuse reports, AOL will take some action. If your sister's friend is in fact made lastingly angry by this, that is the way to go. Include time, date, and verbatim quotes of abuse and verbatim quotes of his replies. Those servers probably log the IPs already, of both ends, as they route them. Those logs can be datamined by AOL.
a packet sniffer can
The packet still needs to contain information on who/where it is going, although it may only be the users name, not IP (as the server deals with translating where that user is logged on.
Im in a simular situation as ive agreed to help a young lady being harassed by several people. I really dont tolerate that kinda of thing so I have agreed to shadow them. Impersonating her in aim and other chat programs. You cannot hide on the internet...
In any case, get rid of Aim; use Miranda instead. <-- there are certain plugins that enable packet sniffing/graphical traceroutes.
Remember, you didn't get this info from me.
I would imagine for security reasons, AOL would attempt to hide the original IP address from the sender by rebuilding packets along the way.
.. wait, wouldn't that be you?
I was thinkin the saaame thing.
So AIM really knows the IP address? I'm sure packet sniffers won't get it. And yes, giving a link to something you control is a VERY effective way to get the IP. Easier to convince them to click it than direct connect, if they think they know what they're doing on AIM. Hmmm... Miranda...
Yeah, I noticed that typo too after I did it, never went back to fix it though
Enermax/Keebs, that sounds like the best idea to me. If you could set something up, that would be greatly appreciated. Logging it off the page would work great. We've been trying to get the direct connect to go, but it's hard to catch them when I'm around to do it.
As per Wuggs request, GO NUTS!!!
rUne mOnKeY 64
I'm sure they are ub3r l337 with a name like that
Thatd be neato too. You'd have to teach me though.
of course I couldn't resist... so you can strike, that's me.