JIUHB DUT3C XP1700's back in stock at eXcaliberPC
I was just checking what they had in stock there and I see that those are back in stock. Those should be multi unlocked because AMD was supposed to shut down 1700 production before they started hard locking the chips. These aren't the majical DLT3C procs but they do overclock pretty well and the price is real good on them.
1. isn't it JIUH?
2. if they are DLT's then they aren't 1.6V, right? Which core are they?
The DLT3C procs are the 1.5v one's which are the dream overclockers. The DUT3C procs have a 1.6v vcore and generally don't overclock as well as the 1.5v 1700's but aren't bad overclockers either, just not as good.
all JIUHB's should however be unlocked, as its an older stepping. newer steppings like JIXIB, KIXIB, certainly fall in the locked date range.