What Game Are You Working On Right Now?
Edmonton, AB Canada
Just interested in what everyone is playing right now. What do you like or dislike about it and would you refer it to others? What are you looking forward to?(multiple games are even better:))
Right now I'm working on:
Sword of Mana - GameBoy Advance
Im in the Temple of Mana right now. Im hoping that Julius is the last boss because Im getting really tired of his really cheap moves. Great game otherwise.
Pokemon Red - GameBoy Colour (playing on the GBA)
Beat the whole game (again) already, but this time im playing with other people now so im working on getting all the pokemon. I dont think I have to tell everyone how fun this game is.
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - PC
Ive beaten this game many times over but theres always multiplayer! Right now Im working on my lvl 88 Necromancer; poison and summoning, full trang oul necro set, freaking awesome wand. This is the perfect run around and beat em up kinda game with that good old gothic/satanic twist. I think everyone should play this game and the sequel when it comes out.
Oblivion w/ shivering isles and knights of the nine exp - Playstation 3
Beat this game for the most part about 2 times; once with my main character (fighing, heavy armor kinda guy) and once with my mage. Im working on an archer right now but sometimes aiming with joysticks and the wierd arrow physics gets hard. Im pretty sure everyone knows how awesome this game is.
Im waiting for Diablo III and Starcraft 2 to come out, also, God of War III is going to be a must have for me when it comes out. The new Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II expansion should be pretty good as should the new WH40K console game coming out; Warhammer 40k: Space Marine.
Post away!
Right now I'm working on:
Sword of Mana - GameBoy Advance
Im in the Temple of Mana right now. Im hoping that Julius is the last boss because Im getting really tired of his really cheap moves. Great game otherwise.
Pokemon Red - GameBoy Colour (playing on the GBA)
Beat the whole game (again) already, but this time im playing with other people now so im working on getting all the pokemon. I dont think I have to tell everyone how fun this game is.
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - PC
Ive beaten this game many times over but theres always multiplayer! Right now Im working on my lvl 88 Necromancer; poison and summoning, full trang oul necro set, freaking awesome wand. This is the perfect run around and beat em up kinda game with that good old gothic/satanic twist. I think everyone should play this game and the sequel when it comes out.
Oblivion w/ shivering isles and knights of the nine exp - Playstation 3
Beat this game for the most part about 2 times; once with my main character (fighing, heavy armor kinda guy) and once with my mage. Im working on an archer right now but sometimes aiming with joysticks and the wierd arrow physics gets hard. Im pretty sure everyone knows how awesome this game is.
Im waiting for Diablo III and Starcraft 2 to come out, also, God of War III is going to be a must have for me when it comes out. The new Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War II expansion should be pretty good as should the new WH40K console game coming out; Warhammer 40k: Space Marine.
Post away!
Playing through Heavy Rain on PS3 again for fun.
Played through a goddamn ton of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 on PC lately. Also TF2.
Still have to get to L4D2, Dragon Age, Bioshock 2, Dirt 2, and all the other games I bought during the Christmas Steam sale and still haven't gotten around to. So many games...
'bout it, really.
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening (almost done)
Moving on to Mass Effect 1 and 2, then Diablo III whenever it turns up. I might also give AC2 a whirl.
C&C3: Want to play 4. Want to beat 3 first.
Mass Effect 1 - from time to time.
Also play a custom built NWN campaign every Saturday night with some friends from college and other random internet people. It's interesting.
Also: L4D2, C&C:RA3 and any other number of quick little casual games.
Battlefield BC2
The Cel Shaded Prince of Persia
Lost Planet Extreme Condition
What should I play next?
Pokemon HeartGold - Yay for Nostalgia!
- Wii -
Fire Emblem
Zelda: Twilight Princess
- 360 -
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Lost Odyssey
- PS2 -
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
- PC -
Orange Box - the fun never ends!
Yeah man, that ending pissed me off as well.
I'm currently playing Mass Effect 2 on PC. LOVE IT SO MUCH. I have everyone recurited, and I'm currently working on the loyalty missions.
I'm also playing Etrian odyssey II on the DS, which I've been playing for close to a year and a half now. I'll probably just keep playing it until the third one comes out, it's that kind of game.
Just beat Sword of Mana (awesome game, if you have a GBA pick it up)
Started playing Starcraft II again but im already getting bored of it.
Ill keep working on what I've got now, but really, having no money for games sucks, lol
(131 pokemon owned on pokedex! Nerd powers activate!)
I'm a huge fan of the original Secret of Mana (SNES), so I also tried out Sword of Mana. It was pretty good and for the most part enjoyable. Biggest gripe: while the random dungeons was kind of neat, it ended up becoming very monotonous by the time I reached the end of the game.
BC2 buddy! Let me know what your soldier name is and we'll hook-up online
PS3 & 360: Super Street Fighter 4
360: Splinter Cell Conviction
DS: Pokemon HeartGold
Been recording a lot of matches for SSF4. Trying to get better. Conviction is super addicting. I beat story and co-op story, now I'm running through the game on Realistic mode for both co-op and hunter. I'm a closet Pokemon nerd so breeding the ultimate team with near perfect IVs is a time-consuming thing.
WoW with the guild
Just beat Final Fantasy 13 on PS3 (need to go back and do all the optional missions though)
- Saints Row 2: just enjoying the general mayhem
- Oblivion: probably my 8th playthrough, going for Atronoch Magithief
- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2: trying to finish murdertown with my mate again.
DS - SoulSilver: EV training my team, fully Eved entei atm
With a few moments of FIFA 10 & PES 2010
Still haven't touched Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 1, L4D2, Crysis, waiting for Steam deal on AC2.
Almost exactly a year later is too soon? Ok, I'll go with that but Borderlands is entirely unlike Fallout 3 in the sense that it CAN be fun. You'll lose interest in both of them long before finishing but with the right people you may actually finish Borderlands.
I'm also working on getting all S ranked missions in Advanced Wars 2 for the GBA.
It's the Korean in me I swear.
Once the patches download :|
And so many more are just waiting for some free time...
Yay! Playing it with Polish VA and English subtitles.