Going To Be Down A 24/7 Cpu

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited January 2004 in Folding@Home
Tonight I sold my secondary rig, my Athlon XP 2000+ based system. Presuming there are no problems with the currently in process transaction, the system which has been solely a dedicated folding rig will cease production within the next 48 hours.

It's sad to see it go, it was my primary PC for 18 months, but at the moment I need the money. However on the up side, when I find full time employment and have been at it for a few months, I promise to build another dedicated folding rig in its place, and I tell you this much, it will be 64bit!

Sorry for the resulting production loss, I'll make it up before the year is out.



  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    I know how it feels - both losing a trusty computer.... and the money from selling one!

    One must do what needs to be done. My sister has my old XP 2000+ system now. Purrs like a kitten.
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    My kr7a-r & xp2000+ w/ ocz3000 sit in a box waiting for a case on the way ...I've thought about getting it folding for a few days and then selling it. I have a few who want to buy it but no idea what to take for it.
    I know you'll more than make up for it chap. :fold:
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