So it seems like things are winding down, and I won't speculate as to why—but that leaves us, as a group, with a choice to make.
If you have anything to add, please do so—otherwise, simply vote on which choice best suits your interests.
If you have anything to add, please do so—otherwise, simply vote on which choice best suits your interests.
Bob marley great man and poet.
If we're going to keep doing 25's - I need someone dedicated to helping bring new people into the guild, any nominations for the job?
When we can agree on a person to be responsible, I'll support it.
I'm not saying you are incapable of these identifications, I'm just saying it is much more complicated than it is being made out to be (aka should not be taken likely).
Gear, gems, chants, and tactics can be easily aquired or learned. This group came from mostly people who had no exposure to end game junk but does well because most of the lot are interesting people who mesh together well. I'd take a good personality over 5800gs any day.
You can pull someone into vent, have a talk for 5 minutes, and have a better idea of if they will hang around or bail in the first couple weeks than if you look at their armory page.
Also: I think it might be a good guild-booster if we were to take a prescribed "best group" (in terms of class mix, skill, gear, availability, etc) into ICC10 and clear to LK early in the raid week (Thurs?) and hammer on LK that weekend until we drop him. Might be the pick-me-up the guild needs.
I would be in for a 10 LK kill. I want to see the end cinematic.
Gearscore has nothing to do with gemming. I'm talking about intelligent decision making on gearing, pretty much the opposite of someone blatantly trying to acquire the highest possible gear score.
Similarly, my concern is those who have no interest to acquire such intelligence or those for whom it does not compute. We lucked out with a very savvy group of people, but for as many of us as there are, there are an equal number of people who couldn't understand how to stay out of a fucking fire if it burned IRL. It doesn't matter how many times you tell them not to... Similarly, Armory can't tell you a lot but wowprogress can, by telling you how often an individual has guild hopped or similar such things. There are a lot of personality types that we have no room in our guild for... All of these things can be checked via a proper interview or character references...
I'm not saying you aren't qualified Magic, I'm saying all these things need to be taken into consideration... Trust me from experience, there are a lot of land mines you can hit when recruiting.
Edit: I spy a Dustin?
sure, to those 10 players that get the title. the rest of the guild get the "you ain't good enough so sorry no kingslayer for you morale downer"
Don't get me wrong, I want Kingslayer as much as the next, but sitting sideline half the time for guild ICC10 is pretty shitty. and, I couldn't even get 10 guild members last night for our little ICC10.
but people have lives, so whatev
I think everyone dedicated to the guild and progressing should be recruiting. We have a two week trial, so we will know if they are fail by then. WE JUST NEED PEOPLE TO SHOW UP!
I have no problems having a couple recruiting officers also. Hell, I don't mind talking with the friends I have on Tortheldrin and poking my head around seeing if I can convince a few more to join the Dark Side.
But then where will we find more candidates like you Spencer?
One of the things that really bugged me was getting to raid and realizing that I was going to sit because I wasn't geared well enough...
Now I'm geared high enough, and we aren't raiding
I'd gladly do some ICC10s... but I can't devote multiple nights a week to running raids. Unless some people want to raid earlier (6 CT - 10 CT) then I'm SOL